The Bourne Valedictorian

Huh--yeah I’m learning (realizing?) that just now thanks to you spelling it out.  I didn’t even remember her getting waterboarded.  Definitely remember the ‘shame’ scenes, though.  Guess it’s a ‘good season’ ‘bad season’ thing.

What were you two playing?  I picture soccer or kickball due to the toe thing.

Real claustrophobia is.  The kind I have which I can only describe as (and please keep in mind I am not a doctor) “not terribly fond of tight spaces but certainly don’t have a crippling fear of being in them” is probably not a medical condition.  You know, like how so many people claim to have OCD, when really they’re

I mean, there’s a LOT of rape in the books.  Maybe that one scene isn’t rape in the books, but the ratio of rape is much, much higher in the books. Random, terrible characters just rape other characters and we get to read it about it in detail.  A lot.

That was hot.

I feel sort of bad I watched all of Game of Thrones and do not have the slightest clue what scene she’s referring to (which must mean it was from the last couple of season)...but only sort of, since really it’s the producers fault for losing the thread so badly those last 10-12 episodes.

If it were a sequel, you’d be correct.  It’s a prequel set quite a bit earlier, though, and since aging is a thing, you are not correct.

it does look like it would be itchy

one of my buddies and I used to go into “Things Remembered” in the mall and stare at stuff for a minute or two, go ‘Oh yeah!’ and then walk out.

I really think her distinctive looks tend to make people think she’s less capable as an actress, and it’s simply not true at all. The things she’s been in she has been outstanding in (for the most part, of course). Queen’s Gambit was the pinnacle, but she was also one of the only good (watchable) parts of Amsterdam,

I don’t know--the documentary sounds pretty cool.  Also, there is basketball.  So much basketball.

if that dude gets another job after Amsterdam....well at least one person with too much money hasn’t seen Amsterdam, at the very least.

And half-naked extras laughing loudly every time one of them has a line!

Probably Amber Heard killed him.

If Stone’s performance weren’t one for the ages I’d agree, but it really, really is one of the best performance’s of the year.  Gladstone’s performance was, too, and honestly I don’t think there’s a good argument for either of them not winning, unless it was to the other.

Note to Self:  Cheat off A.V. Club next year.  Nice work so far--I think you’ve gotten all but one, and only the big ones are left...

I’ve attempted the book a couple of times but just couldn’t get through it. I loved part 1 (probably watched it four times? Maybe more—I revisit it every few months) and I think DV has been on a tear since Arrival. He has mastered creating lived in, breathing, vibrant worlds.

Okay I’ll be the one to ask....are you talking the original film version of 1984 Dune, or the 4-hour version (which I have not seen but have heard is a largely better version)? I hadn’t seen it since it was originally released on VHS, and the 2-hour version barely makes sense. I haven’t read the books still to this

I haven’t read the books, but thought it was obvious (at least in the first half of the film) that Paul very much feels this way, sees the visions of what will come and is reluctant to do it at all.  Granted, it all seems to go out the window once he accepts his destiny (except maybe for a furtive glance or two?).

Considering I only watched the first two episodes of season 2 I can only assume it stayed as bad as those episodes, or got worse.