The Bourne Valedictorian

Cool thanks for the info—if I’m really into something I’ll usually research and see what the differences are and if I think something will be worth reading, but I have a hard time reading dense science fiction (had the same issue with Dune) so I don’t usually bother as I’ve found I don’t care much about differences in

Lee Pace’s performance is what has kept me watching.  The story has been fine, if a little all over the place (likely follows the books, but I haven’t read them).  Reminds me of an RPG a lot of the time, but the kind where there’s so many side quests the main quest gets a little lost.

I know several people that feel that way—they look at me like I’m nuts when I tell them the visuals are so stunning that I could watch it without sound and would be perfectly happy (though sad to miss the epic score). It was one of my favorite films of that year and I’ve probably watched it a half-dozen times.

I have to agree—I was mesmerized by this film (and the previous one) as the visuals of both real and effects are just stunning throughout. I don’t agree with the author’s comment about anything appearing as “obviously computer generated”, save for the fact that lots of stuff in this movie doesn’t actually exist and

I never read them, but I will say while I was slightly disappointed that Pugh didn’t have more to do, it is pretty clear her character is much more important moving forward, though.  My disappointment is mostly from the fact that Pugh is one of my favorite actresses, but it sounds like everyone on board is ready to

I don’t think anyone knew it was “Part one” until they were in the theater, though--the trailers and posters did not have “Part One” anywhere in them.

Saw this tonight and was absolutely blown away. I avoided the review before seeing it, but reading it now I have some minor quibbles and think this should have scored higher but definitely agree that Austin Butler steals every scene he’s in.

Herzog narrating a documentary about Disneyland sounds amazing.

There are subtle undertones, but it really leaves it up to the audience to decide.

Oof.  August is the February of summer movies.

There have been so many moments like that throughout this season it’s frustrating.  The “in English, please” trope is so damn tired I’d add that to the list of phrases that don’t need to be in anything anymore.

Haha I forgot that Kraven was even a thing.  Didn’t the first trailer for that come out months ago?  Did they change the release date or something?  Figure the hopes for it can’t be too high if they didn’t spring for the hype a Superbowl ad would have gotten.

I’m hoping it’s a good sign that Deadpool is the only MCU movie scheduled for next year. I’m hoping it means Fiege and company have finally realized maybe focusing on quality and not quantity is the better way to go.

Guess we’ll find out tonight...8/10 (like the reviews on this site) seems far too generous, though. The first season was really good with a weekly watch, but I watched it again just a few weeks ago and it plays better binging (the final episode doesn’t feel like such a jarring shift in tone when watching immediately

I enjoyed The Killing.  This is starting to feel like a homework assignment that you stopped giving a shit about the grade on because it’s so much work and is going on forever and you just want to be done with it.

This is well researched. Good work. B-.

She’s been the saving grace for me in this--not sure it would be watchable with a lesser actress (there’s not been nearly enough Eccleston—which is an utter waste)

We’re far enough along that I’m definitely nervous about ‘too fast’ a wrap-up. A lot happened in this episode that just made the mystery deeper without any answers, which is frustrating when there’s only a third of the show to go.  But there’s a lot frustrating about this show, and each one leads me to have less and

Thank goodness--thought I was nuts for a second.  I also thought it was some sort of military color--certainly not pink.  Maybe it was the way flashlights tend to mute color?  I didn’t think it was pink in the picture she was flashing in that earlier episode, either, though.

I had a distant co-worker that I liked a lot from the few interactions I’d had with her over the years, but she suddenly left the company one day. I eventually found out she’d straight up fallen for one of those “hey you won a bunch of money, but you have to send us a small amount first so we can send it to you” and