The Bourne Valedictorian

Nah that’s all fair. I was excited about this show the first couple of episodes in and it’s seeming ties back to the first season, but it’s all largely wheel-spinning around mostly bad dialogue. I am intrigued enough that I’ll stick with it to see if they can actually wrap all this up in two episodes, but my hopes of

100% been my impression too--seems more like a ‘look at this loser of his own making’ vibe to me.  I halfway expected him to off himself before the episode was over.

I feel this comment a little too much. As a ‘holdover” half the time I feel like the proverbial old man in the corner yelling about the good old days and “I remember when...” but hasn’t yet come to terms with the fact that the glory days are never coming back.  Every now and then there’s a glimmer of hope between

I was always a fan of chocolate, but mostly because it felt like eating dessert for breakfast.  Pretty sure health-wise it was as well.

Those are some pretty hardcore mental gymnastics. They were extremely flawed characters so I lay that decision more towards doing what anyone would have done (but what a cop absolutely should never do), and Harrelson’s character was extremely angry through the entire show anyway—until the last episode when he finally

Well this sounds fucking insane.  I am totally down.  Thanks for the review--wasn’t even on my radar!

They weren’t supposed to go in without backup I think was how it started, and I’ll give you the guy killing himself on the trap was his own fault entirely, but you can’t really be arguing that shooting a guy on his knees in handcuffs was in any way ‘self defense’?

This feels more like a semantics issue, but whatever. If you consider an original story written around an existing toy (s) to be an adaptation then who am I to argue?

?  I mention well-known IP, but it is 100% an original movie.

Great stuff! What an interesting article—please more of this!

Thanks, dude!

I mean, they were law enforcement so it’s definitely murder? Not suggesting it wasn’t warranted or that I would have done anything differently, but it was definitely murder. No matter how heinous the crime, it will always be murder if a member of law enforcement shoots a handcuffed suspect in the head. That’s pretty

Ah gotcha--I had read that it was intended to be a sequel to season 1, but perhaps what you say here is correct.  I haven’t seen anything to that effect but haven’t really dug into the history of this particular season.

I get it.  I will say as I’ve gotten older I’ve discovered the more I know about most celebrities the less I like them.  Not always true, of course, but seems to be true more often than not.  He’s one I still don’t know much about (though living near his home in Tennessee I do know a few people that have met him and

Every now and then I wish there was a way to send stories like this back to 17-year-old me back in the late 80's.  I would like to think I was sending myself humorous sci-fi parody, only to grow up and realize it was all somehow true.

It’s weird to me that they didn’t lean into this season being a direct sequel to season 1 as it appears it will be.  I don’t mind the connections so long as they work and make sense--always the problem with any mystery/detective show--if it doesn’t stick the landing then it can’t be considered a success, so I’m

Haha yeah sorry I didn’t catch this episode live and I still like Timberlake (which I’m guessing is out of fashion now from what I gather in these comments) so reading your comment after all the others reminded me of someone reading a perfectly fine email but getting irrationally angry by the end of it because of how

I thought I was crazy for a minute--I usually catch the ‘show’ through pieces as SNL posts them on Youtube (they post almost immediately after that particular sketch airs--it’s kind of impressive how fast their channel updates) but I’m never entirely sure if it’s from that night’s episode or from one earlier I

Well aren’t we just full of demands?  People like you are why actors have such a bad rep!

I assume this is because the sheer depth of Pugh’s enormous talent just sort of absorbs Hayden like a sponge whenever she’s nearby. I have yet to see Pugh in anything I didn’t think she was marvelous in, and only watched Fighting With My Family because I was so blown away by her performance in Little Women (a film I