The Bourne Valedictorian

I give him points for not liking his fans, either, though.  And as someone else mentioned I don’t think he understands the implications of what he makes, he just thinks he’s making cool shit.

That’s no moon!

And a Carey Elwes!

What in the hell is this nonsense?  I will not hear the good name of the second best film in all of Star Wars besmirched in this manner.  NONSENSE I SAY.

Or...and hear me out here....let him just direct credit sequences for movies that require backstory.  He’s a fucking genius at that, somehow.

I will not! Good day, Sir!

Ooh ooh let’s name some exceptions! I nominate The Abyss, and Once Upon a Time in America (and really this one should win, as the original is damn near unwatchable while the director’s cut is damn near a masterpiece).

“The only way to win is not to play”

Honestly the criticism of B vs S can be applied to Watchmen almost word for word.  It’s like...he SAW it, but he didn’t get it, so he just copied the pretty pictures (admittedly very well), though I do give him points for the changes to the ending, as that made sense.  And, oddly enough, he nails Rorschach and Dr

As a comic it gave us the best mash-up of Harley Quinn and Green Arrow to ever exist, and is worth reading for that alone.  It went on WAY too long, though.

For sure—Snyder’s Superman feels much more like Omniman than Clark Kent.

It would have been at least 20 minutes shorter without all the slow motion.  Which might have made it slightly better?

OMG there’s a preview for part 2 at the end of this and somehow it looks worse.

That has ‘trilogy’ all over it!!!

It was (unfortunately?) the closest we’ll ever get to an actual Watchmen movie, but holy shit he missed the point so fundamentally that I just can’t forgive it.  I want to, because his style sure fits the visuals and overall tone, but blurgh it was SO close to getting it right.  And I do think he did a really good job

THREE BOOBS (sure, it’s been done, but so has literally everything else in this film)

I’ve said it before and it still stands:  Snyder is a masterful film-maker...when those films are 3-7 minutes long, and are opening credits.  Until this movie (ironically enough) his credit sequences are absolute masterpieces, and usually tell you all you need to know to catch you up.  THIS movie needed credits like

Yeah she straight up murdered everyone in that room—it was video game levels of heroics— and murder.

it’s one of 1000 in this movie.  The ‘princess’ is a blonde, white girl that heals birds, somehow.   And I’m pretty sure these are actual Nazi uniforms with the swastikas removed.

Most movies hold their own when compared to lesser movies?  Though this is definitely a lesser movie to be sure.