I will say the girl being named “Kora” is just making me wish I was watching the live action Airbender show that is coming out.
I will say the girl being named “Kora” is just making me wish I was watching the live action Airbender show that is coming out.
I don’t know what mauler fans are, and based on the context here I’m sure I don’t want to know.
There are slow motion laser swords that somehow move slower than the regular slow motion action around them, though!!!
Great point. I’m two hours into this and only enduring it to the end to see how many more cliches and tropes can possibly be in it. I’m still not entirely sure what is even going on or why I should care...
I actually guffawed. Nice one, mate!
I’m 90 minutes into this and holy shit what a movie. Some observations:
Sorry but the only thing I could think of when I saw this trailer was that if you put it in slow motion and set it to Vangelis music you’d have “Chariots of Fire” all over again. On the one hand, fine it was nominated for Oscars and won best picture or whatever, but it was also boring af.
Talk about being born to play a part...well, Ron Perlman was born to play Lobo, but he’s probably too old and I guess Jason Mamoa looks enough like him /shrug.
I played through an entire game and never even saw one of the main characters because I didn’t venture down to where she was trapped in the very first map. I mean, that’s fucking amazing that a game can still function both with or without what sure seemed like a very important character.
Tell that to my brain when it sees the loooong ass version of Hateful Eight pop-up and is all ‘hell yes more please’ and it’s 4 hours later.
“you came in that thing? You’re braver than I thought!”
Snyder is a master film-maker...so long as that film is about 5-6 minutes long. Seriously his credits sequences are amazing, it’s the stuff after the credits that trips him up.
Yeah I’ve always questioned people that say “you’re your most honest when you’re drunk!” with “you don’t know any drunks, do you?” I mean, sure you’ll say some overly-honest things, but you’ll also swear you are 100% in love with that girl you just met in the hopes of getting in her pants. Drunks are the most…
I do the same but mostly because I hate it when I miss dialogue, and I have 3 kids so I miss a lot of dialogue without subtitles on...
It was the weakest, but seeing JJL’s performance and gradual change from slightly disinterested to mildly terrifying during one conversation and conveying it all with only some slight changes to her vocal tone and expression was worth it.
if it hadn’t been for Screamy McAlien I’d have hated every minute of RoS.
Had to be Boyega, right? although from those pictures it might have been a completely new character called ‘knives for hands’
Right? No way Lucas planned on Luke and Leia being brother/sister when he wrote that kiss at the beginning of Empire. He adjusted it on the fly, but everyone of us 14-year-olds in the theater remembered that shit like we founded Peppridge Farms.
This --especially after Last Jedi--makes me wish they had gotten Rian Johnson’s input in all three of the films. His idea was infinitely more interesting than Palpatine being her grandfather or whatever.