THAT one I’ve seen! was a little long, frankly.
THAT one I’ve seen! was a little long, frankly.
I read it as someone that watched the Godzilla movies, without getting all nuts about them, and then ranked them in order of the ones he liked the most. Though I am 100% sure my 13-year-old would be in this particular thread agreeing with you guys all the way.
Okay I’m thinking with that username and the following comment you made you might have gotten a little lost on the way to a subreddit page...
So it’s like the Little Match Girl (note: I’m assuming he dies at the end, freezing to death while imagining the warm, radioactive breath of Godzilla)
Holy shit my 13-year-old has tried to explain the plot of some of these films, and I was convinced he had to be embellishing or just got some of them wrong, but nope, these descriptions are every bit as insane as what he was describing. I genuinely thought he was mixing up movies with the undersea kingdoms and time…
Didn’t season 4 have the Dinner Party? That might be my favorite episode (well, that or the dundees)
All I could think when seeing the headline was “Holy shit Peacock has 32 shows??? Are they all Star Trek like that other network?”
That one woman who was so wooden seemed to be a main character and was on pretty much every episode I watched (first 30ish?) and, while her acting was the worst, most of the acting on that show was subpar.
I’m thinking if all the shows on this list had 136 episodes to draw from, most of them would end up being better than Agents of Shield, though. I watched the first 20-something episodes, and part of the next season, and those were largely not good. Wooden acting, silly plots and an obviously low budget doomed it from…
You basically say you had to wade through three seasons and a lot of mediocre episodes to get to the good ones, though? I mean, what is that—70+ episodes of the show before it got to the best episodes (and I watched the barely watchable season 1...if you’re counting that season then...woof)
Well, it’s easily the most divisive entry on the list, since some people seem to think all seven seasons were great, and others seem to live in the real world.
You’re right--it probably shouldn’t have made the list, given any show with...HOLY SHIT 136 EPISODES???...isn’t really fair to compare to the rest.
Why wait to binge? Cliffhangers are almost meaningless while binging. You definitely appreciate them more when you don’t have a choice but to wait....and I’ve found people tend to remember and appreciate shows much better when they’re aired over several weeks. I think this is why Netflix ends up cancelling shows…
I’ve made myself not binge shows for this very reason. I don’t wait a week, mind you, but at the very least a day, and usually two or three depending on the show. I’ve found it’s very easy to gloss over or not notice under-appreciated or important moments while binging. When I get a chance to discuss a show or read…
Yeah I genuinely thought “man he just can’t help himself, can he?” when that came up on the screen. I do appreciate it’s the same actor and it feels like it’s thematically relevant, but hard to say it’s necessary or enriched the material in any meaningful least so far.
Well this is a terrifying bit of information that I feel like I already knew but never really acknowledged I knew, until reading it here.
I love this show, but holy shit the ‘no that was a hunting accident...” line just floored me.
I feel this way just knowing this show and all it’s ancestors are a thing, and are popular. Why on earth you watched any of it when you seem pretty reasonable towards the end of your comment is beyond me.
It’s sort of okay, given they were stupid enough to sign up for it. If they somehow, some way didn’t realize what they were getting themselves into then shame on them and they really deserve it--the information is out there and not hard to find. Zero chance anyone goes into this or anything like it with blinders on.
It’s weird to me it takes old people for anyone to come to the realization that this show and the basic idea of it and all the fucking ‘spin off’s are morally corrupt utter shit.