The Bourne Valedictorian

I mean yeah, you’re probably right, should have let safe ol’ Mandolorian director helm them all honestly. Branagh was wasted and (like most of the bigger name directors) says he’ll never do another. Whedon truly seems to be the only one given freedom and Avengers was amazing for it....though he ‘over-Whedoned’ AoA,

but riled up nerds are what the MCU thrives on!!!!

We were sort of discussing this same thing in the Marvels review (and I’m super annoyed I missed this when it was first posted a week ago....somehow getting relevant content alerts is almost as impossible as getting the comments to work reliably...sigh). They don’t trust filmmakers they are inspired by and it’s

It was SUCH a weird choice, though I guess with the quantum stuff it made sense, but honestly Kang should have fucking destroyed Ant-Man. If Scott had lost—and especially if he’d died— it would have made sense, AND given Kang at least some sense of magnitude (especially compared to the guy that lost to ants) and would

100%--the long version (which apparently is what I watched) had waaay too much of him, and some Batman too, and apparently that wasn’t the theatrical cut.  My only thinking, given that’s the only version I’ve seen, is less of this film has to be a good thing.

I don’t know--they hate me there. But based on my high school days...yes, probably.

Also, he got to play Han fucking Solo.   That’s not nothing to nerds like me.

haha fuck I forgot about him in Cocaine Bear--he is a funny dude.

Ehrenreich was pretty brilliant in Oppenheimer (and was not bad at all in Solo) and Routh was pretty much destined to be a TV star, if we’re being frank.  He’s enjoyable enough, but he aint Daniel-Day Lewis.

I mostly agree, though not sure you can blame the directors for much of anything, given Marvel pays them a ton of money, gives them huge exposure, then tells them the movie they will make and will still go edit it later without the director’s input.  There’s a reason some directors turn them down--Edgar Wright, of

Captain Marvel definitely suffers from the Superman problem though to a lesser degree, I suppose.  There’s a point where a character is so powerful they’re a little boring, frankly.

lol what was she --15-16ish when she rated it? Because there’s definitely an ‘against the establishment’ age where I’d have posted negative reviews on shit I actually liked, just to be contrary....or you know, impress a chick or something. What I’m saying is any reviews by damn near any teenager should not be held

Pretty spot-on, for the most part—though I think every Marvel contract has long-term options automatically written into it, at this point. She’s likeable for sure, so I am genuinely curious to see if she comes off that way in other projects.

100%, though her family is a close second.  And then the cats.  And then the other people in this movie. And then the villain, which apparently is how Marvel intends it to be.

Go on Twitter or whatever the fuck it’s called now and defend this movie. You will not make friends at all.

I’ve read it twice now and even followed some of the links, and I’m still not sure how anyone involved isn’t an utter waste of space. I mean, at least the one girl is making money off less intelligent folks? P.T Barnum has yet to be proven wrong.

What it proved to me is that most any movie could be four hours long if half of it is in slow-motion.  At least somehow the effects were finished for the years later, online version...

I mean, it was a turd that might have been slightly better with less editing, somehow. Those music cues were fucking terrible, so if he had any hand in that then there is zero chance more of his input would have made this better. As bad as it was, it just got...boring in the last half. Also, he must have been involved

Honestly it does, as he’s not the initial target.  The story is not bad at all, honestly, you know...with the usual caveat of both ‘for a comic book’ and ‘for a video game’.  But yeah, as Mid Boss says, don’t overthink it.

You know what a turtle is?  It’s like that.