The Bourne Valedictorian

lol I’m in my 50's and I’m embarrassed for you.  I have kids, so that’s a cheat code for this stuff, but some of these people are top earners in the entertainment industry.  Hell, I even recognized the guy the cameo’d in Five Nights at Freddies.  

Yeah that’s nuts to me as well.  He’s not as popular, and never has been.  You could make the best Ant-Man movie ever and it would still be Ant-Man.

Film studios have always used ‘creative accounting’ --maybe more so than any other industry that comes to mind.  This just seems like more of the same shenanigans.

God how I wish games would stop with the ‘boss fight—ROUND 2...and then--ROUND 3!!1!11!!’ tactic. Either make the one round longer and more interesting, or let it end. Even Spider-Man does this and it’s maddening.

Glad it made sense to you, though honestly it sounds like you work for them (I’m sort of kidding, but your take—while technically correct— is hardly the prevalent one).  Even if the reasoning is sound, it was a dumb decision because it discounted brand recognition.  The HBO model was going to have to change no matter

Keeping the government open is a monthly challenge anymore, it seems.

the film industry has always been known for its shady book-keeping—-maybe more than any other industry, and no one seems to give a shit except the handful of people that get screwed in those deals. Why is this all that different?

I was wondering how the issues prevelant in comics would work in movies, and it’s starting to look like a pretty simple answer: they don’t. As an avid comic reader for a very long time, it’s pretty easy to shrug off how some world ending thing is only being dealt with by Iron Man when there are literally thousands of

This is a great description and pretty much how I took it. I laughed very hard at several parts I’m reasonably sure were meant to be funny (the internal monologue getting cut off by real world violence combined with the look on Fassbender’s face of surprise that anyone would dare interrupt struck me as gleefully funny

Different strokes and all, but I thoroughly enjoyed this film, though I was in a very sleep-deprived and wound up state while watching it--which very much matched the main character’s tone during this film. I don’t know that it was supposed to be all that exciting, and Fassbender’s monologue/voiceover made it far more

I read a description of the entire movie being a metaphor for Jodie Foster’s characters brain in “Panic Room”, with the trio of villians being the id, ego and super-ego, and it playing out the way it did as a ‘revenge narrative’ for how badly her ex-husband treated her and how helpless it made her feel, and I’ll be

It was a bizarre choice for sure.  Overall it was...fine, I guess, but the reviewer pretty well nails the issues with the pacing.  I mean, I’m not sure more of this would have made it better, but maybe less plot would have?  The exposition dumps were exhausting, and seemingly endless.  Kamala is fantastic, though, and

Nice list—there’s a few I need to check out for sure.

House was one of the few (semi?) successful blends of comedy and horror out there.  Even the first sequel was decent.  Watched it a lot back in the 80s and 90s but haven’t seen it in a long while. Going to have to look that one up again.

It’s a stark and striking contrast from color, that’s for sure!

“Let’s not talk nonsense to Bob Loblaw”

The friggin’ Asian investors being treated to the “Godzilla vs giant robot” and stomping on the miniature houses they built to try and pass as full-sized was maybe the highlight of the entire show. Holy hell it was a complicated set up to get to that point, but it was the most brilliant pay off of anything on the show.