The Bourne Valedictorian

Same--I honestly wasn’t sure there even was a season 5, or if I was just remember season 4 released in two parts (which is frustratingly becoming more and more common).

Henry Winkler literally jumping a shark will never not be funny.

well “Hello, holy crap” to you, too.

“Who would have guessed you could miss a hand so much?” while staring at the hand chair a solid two episodes before the loose seal incident blew  my mind on rewatch.  It’s a show that’s somehow as funny on a rewatch just catching all the things you missed the first time through.

Afternoon Delight is probably my personal favorite. Dividing the curse word (f-bomb) Gob says is so brilliant it still blows my mind a little they got away with it. Didn’t that one also have the “We have to get the Seaward out of here” followed by the mother’s line “I’ll leave when I’m ready!”  It’s probably the best

Ugh the cat thing HAS to be the most over-used jump scare technique in horror. Cats are shitheads for sure and it’s totally in their wheelhouse to do that shit on purpose, but does it need to happen in every horror movie?  

Talk about underrated gems-The Descent was a really great theater experience, and one I’d recommend to anyone to see in a theater should they get the opportunity....or at the very least on a big TV with all the lights in the room out to really get the feel of what Jordan was going for.  The tight, isolated shots lit

It would honestly be one of my favorite horror movies of all time (instead of just an ‘underrated gem’) if it weren’t for that screwy ending.  There were a couple of really disturbing scenes in general, but yeah I still recall almost jumping out of my skin at the theater.

The scene at the end of “Silence of the Lambs” played out the same way in the book, with the reader having no idea the agents were at the wrong houses. That was one of the most-tense sequences I can ever remember reading in any novel.  

Oh for sure--my comment was more regarding the entire final season(s) than this one particular thing.  

I think it’s a byproduct of (most) plays having natural breaks between acts--best spot for the theaters to make money, since they don’t want people coming and going while the play is going on.

I’ve been tested several times over my life and have been referred to as ‘borderline’ diabetic, but never ‘full-blown’--I get a physical every year (getting old is fun!) and so far I’m okay, but it’s always something I ask about when it comes up again.  I’ve done the thirsty/constant pee thing since I was a kid.  It’s

I mean, there’s so much that should have been done and would have been cool in that final season, you know, instead of that shit they actually did put in the show.

I read both these comments back to back and immediately read them again hearing them as Statler and Waldorf. Well-played, gentlemen.

I would 100% no-hesitation without-a-doubt do any of this for even half of what she makes.

I get this, and I laugh at it, but god help me I’m addicted to soda water. I constantly need to have something to drink, and sodas were keeping me up, but regular water is not something I care to drink. Soda water works for me, even though I totally understand all the jokes and mostly agree. The funny thing is after

I had a buddy that worked as a DJ at a strip bar, and the entire stripper industry is pretty much this. I have no issue with it as I assume both sides understand the business side of their transaction (though I’m sure there’s one or two that take that too far)—that is exactly what this seems like to me, even the

I mean, this is pretty much all porn stars, then?  I’m not sure lusting after something you can’t have is really mental illness, though.  There are many, many industries that wouldn’t exist without preying on that instinct in everyone.

I have so many questions.  Most of them are ‘what the actual fuck’; there are also a few ‘but...why’?s

I took my teenage boys to a later showing last night and it was full of older teenager/college age kids, and I’m not gonna lie—I enjoyed it far more than I would have watching it alone. They were very into it, and understood a whole lot of inside jokes/game references that I had no idea about. It wasn’t good by any