The Bourne Valedictorian

Haha classic Tierney!

I wish I could relate to this, as I am constantly thirsty, and after being up for a couple of hours I am constantly peeing.  I may be over-hydrating, but the dangers of that are largely under-reported and I ain’t goin’ looking.

Hello, fellow old person, as I know EXACTLY what you’re talking about.  I remember even as a kid wondering why that shit was still in there when there were commercials throughout.

I’ve never been to a 3.5 hour play that didn’t have at least one intermission, and many had two.

Yeah, the man is a fucking god when it comes to film, no doubt, but surely even he realizes that the theater model as we know it is going away, so if he wants people to watch his fucking four hour epic then maybe bend for the theaters just a bit.  Especially considering has last four hour epic came straight to

Nah I dug it. Well thought and, as I said, I agree with a lot of it.  Sorry if it came across any other way (though that seriously is what my son said to me when I brought up some of these exact points).

You are truly history’s greatest monster.

I see what you did there, and thanks for that—pleasant bittersweet chuckle while I totally heard that in Chandler’s voice.

The one where I have the sads...

I’m not sure there’s anything that tracks more than Richard Dreyfuss becoming a cranky old guy.  I mean, no one is shocked by this in the slightest, are they?

So just a quick question after seeing this (I have lots of questions, but this is the only quick one)...the Aunt is dead, right? I mean, ghost kid said she was sleeping but she was sure positioned like she was dead, but holy shit those two must have hated her on levels I can’t imagine because they were fucking cheery

The Game is ranked too high, because fuck that movie and it’s ‘twist’. It was a cheat, it doesn’t work, and yes it detracts from the entire film, when it’s the kind of film where the twist is mostly the point. I love a good twist, but fuck do I hate a bad one (looking at you “High Tension”)

Pretty much everyone in the theater but me at the 10:30 show tonight. It was actually a weird experience for me to be at a movie theater full of people that got references I had no clue about, in a whole “so that’s what this feels like!” moment. I did recognize the Youtuber just a second or two after the audience

First, I’ll give you the same advice my teen sons gave me when I asked them about many of these things—try not to think about it too much, dad (if you roll your eyes when you say it you’ll practically be in the moment).

As a huge fan of horror movies (good, bad, meh and all in-between) I’ve been a subscriber since I discovered it during COVID.  That being said, I’d be hard-pressed to name 10 shows on Shudder that aren’t documentaries or Joe Bob related.  He’s a blast and I enjoy his stuff, but the originals on Shudder are mostly

Why not both?!?

haha I swear I did not read your comment before I wrote mine--one epic fucking kill, though.

Honestly it’s one of the best scenes in any of the films, and it felt so crazy out of place for how good it was, particularly compared to the rest of that crapfest (minus, of course, frozen face shatter, because that was one epic kill).

I have so much respect for 6, as it started by not giving a single fuck, and then just kept on giving no fucks throughout. It’s possibly my favorite of them all for just going “oh is this what you want? BECAUSE HERE IT FUCKING IS”,  

I think Morbius flopping twice in the same year is never going to be topped.