The Bourne Valedictorian

Considering the last one was probably the best (I saw this latest entry about a week ago) and that this is consistently the best action franchise going I’d say it’s worth it. MI:2 was the weak spot of all the movies for sure—it’s not a good MI film OR a good John Woo movie, unfortunately, but the rest are solid. 4, 5

I’m posting here from the future.  They wish they’d gone the ‘tax credit’ film with this one and released Batgirl.

Well here we are a year later, with the Flash movie bombing.  I think the stories of him taking his own speakers into bars to drown out the house music must have gotten out, because that is next-level asshole.

I didn’t try Necro until my fifth character, and holy shit they’re so easy compared to Rogue or Barbarian.  Leveled up three times faster and with maybe 1/10th or less of the deaths.  Which for a decently geared character in Diablo seems about right, rather than how brutal the melee classes can be.  Rather than nerf

Iron Fat Mike is best Fat Mike.

This sounds remarkably similar to Diablo IV’s incredibly unbalanced PVP areas.  Not from cheating, mind you, but from letting anyone, any level, be in those areas.  Turns out the decked out top level players find farming other players for PVP loot to be far easier and more efficient than doing the quest stuff, I

I really dug the first two, latest Wolfenstein games (the shooter parts, anyway--the story was oddly heavy-handed for a game that didn’t take itself seriously)

Of course Tarantino wans to retire! You try keeping up that madman’s pace of 1 movie every 3 or so years (if you count Kill Bill as two movies)! It’s a wonder he’s not insan...oh, wait, reading the rest of his Wiki entry it’s probably too late.

Personally I could have used more Mads screen time, but I thought Phoebe was quite good in this.

Finally someone else that’s seen it. This was my reaction as well. I quite enjoyed it, and there was nothing in this that made me roll my eyes as hard as a life raft out of a plane and down a mountain, most of Crystal Skull, and everything in the Fast and Furious movies that happens after about 2/3 of the way through

Saw it tonight and disagree with quite a few points the reviewer makes, but the ending really is charming.  

I’m with you.  I still hear Kate Fucking Capshaw screaming in my head whenever this film is mentioned.  

I saw it tonight and enjoyed it quite a bit more than the reviewer, for whatever that’s worth.  Note:  I may be in love with Phoebe which severely clouds my judgement.  Also, I’ve watched Fleabag so many times I kept expecting her to look directly at the camera and would have been quite happy if she had.

I mean, I get your point, but I agree with his more--as the father of two teenage boys, Mad Max FR was written with us in mind.  There are certainly gross and overall adult implications in this, but they’re so far in the background you damn near forget about them.

I tried to watch TMP again, and weird is a great way to describe it.  It’s like they gave someone a vague idea of what Star Trek is and, aside from the ship’s design, were told to just go with whatever they wanted.  I am probably wrong given how self-referential Star Trek is in general between the shows and various

Goddamn I love me some unexpected Naked Gun.  Well done all! 

I saw this tonight and halfway expected Ford to have a line like this towards the end, when, you know, the thing gets used (which is only a spoiler for anyone that’s never seen a movie, I guess, since OF COURSE they use the thing they’ve been after the entire movie)--a line along the lines of “don’t worry, I’ve done

Raft?  All I remember is him falling asleep on a plane and waking up on a wooden plank bridge.

Having lived a large portion of my life in horse country (central Kentucky) I was familiar with it, but would be surprised if people unfamiliar with horse racing (which is most people when talking about anything other than the Derby, I’d guess) knew what it meant.

Because this one ‘wasn’t as bad as the rest’?  I guess?  I haven’t seen it, but nearly everyone who has says something along those lines.