The Bourne Valedictorian

Aw, it’s so cute when Wes’s movies make the list.  And just a tiny bit mind-boggling that $9 million is his best opening ever.

Wait--are credits written?  As in some writer that has to be with the WGA has to manually write how the credits are presented?

Man audiences are so unpredictable. That line got a HUGE laugh at the theater I was in.

“The Void” works on multiple levels including slightly humourous...but is probably a bit too dark.

Fucking awesome, that's what

I’ve read a lot of comics over the years including the whole Secret Invasion story and it’s many sub-stories, but I have to admit I’ve never entirely understood Skrulls. Can they shape shift into other Skrulls? Can that fool other Skrulls? Also, when a race can change shapes like that what’s their ‘original shape’?

I only mentioned Oppenheimer because of Nolan’s ‘prestige cinema’ contract. Theaters have to pull MI out of IMAX and Dolby and whatever other ‘huge screen experience’ theaters out there when Oppenheimer opens. I’d heard very recently on a movie news podcast that Cruise was pissed about it --which I swear is the only

Eh, it was more of a ‘cinema is dying’ argument than any certain ‘fatigue’ of a series factor—I think with Transformers at this point it’s more a ‘meh’ factor in all honesty. It opened to basically the same numbers as Flash is trending. Though I really do think Paramount is shit for scheduling their films. From

My teenage sons think Barbie looks brilliant. My 16-year-old and his friends are planning an honest-to-God double-feature day with Barbie and Oppenheimer (which I would have to be SO stoned for....but now that I think about it like that...).  I think I’m becoming ‘grizzled’, as I’m damn well over the ‘meta’ phase

Honestly as an older comic book fan who was in his early 20's when Keaton’s Batman hit theaters it felt pretty squarely aimed at me. I know Gunn is a bit younger than I am, but I feel sure he liked a lot of it for the same reasons I did—the nostalgia bait in some of the movies easter eggy moments I absolutely loved,

It’s kind of weird that Paramount isn’t in this discussion, since Transformers is basically falling off the map after one week.  And honestly Mission Impossible is losing theaters a week or two after it opens to Oppenheimer which can’t help it any.  They seem to be victims of their own scheduling ineptitude more than

Good lord I’ve read the comments and had forgotten just how awful ‘The Last Dinosaur” truly was--to the point I kind of forgot about it entirely.  To me that’s the worst one.

Seriously though, fuck thermodynamics.

My kids absolutely loved Turning Red—to the point I was sick of the damn 4*Town songs...still, very cute movie and yeah, definitely better than Lightyear.  Soul is one of my personal favorites.

There is literally nothing about Cars that makes sense unless you imagine the horrifying uprising/genocide that led to the world they exist in.  If you imagine it as the ultimate sequel to “Maximum Overdrive” it’s a much more interesting film.

There is definitely some weird decision making/power struggle going on over at Pixar right now. Two of their better films (Soul and Turning Red—which my kids absolutely loved) relegated to D+ status and this film (which my kids and myself, frankly, have zero interest in) and Lightyear going to theaters?  They used to


Replacing the Abe Lincoln statue at the memorial with Mark Wahlberg was pretty damn weird, but it works somehow.

While watching this the other night I found myself wondering after all the delays and reshoots why in the hell they didn’t finish the effects??  The cynical part of me assumes it’s because they didn’t want to put any more money into a film they might not even release, but woof some of the effects are bad (pun

Nah he doesn’t—he’s obviously CGI enhanced, but his moves are fairly standard ‘Batman’ moves. His effects are actually good throughout the film (some of the other effects are surprisingly bad, though).