The Bourne Valedictorian

I was lucky enough to catch an early screening a few nights ago and yeah there are still great surprises, and I watched every trailer several times before seeing it. Overall it’s very good...but not quite great, as there are moments that (to me, at least) the effects were really subpar. In the age of Thanos that seems

Honestly I thought this film explained the multiverse FAR better than most of the Marvel attempts, and it does it in less than two minutes with spaghetti.  

Holy crap that mask is still terrible, though.

I watched it again a couple of nights ago to prep for seeing the sequel tonight and there are SO many great little moments like that all through the movie.  But yeah, that may actually be my favorite Stan Lee cameo of them all.

Are we still doing ‘spoiler-spaces’? Because this movie needs a spoiler space.

I think “No Way Home” owes a lot to Into the Spider-Verse (having watched both again recently it’s even more than I thought, since some of the shots seemed to be lifted wholesale from Spider-Verse) but was playing up more to sentimentality than Into the Spider-Verse did by a mile. Particularly since ISV had to

I just watched it again two nights ago myself!  The callbacks to that film (and every Spider-Man film ever made) in part 2 are great. Some are subtle, many are obvious, and all serve to move the story along, not some “hey you liked this before so here it is again!” gimmick that so many sequels or ‘requels’ seem to do

Even Chris Pine was pretty great as the first Spider-Man.  But Nick Cage was just is Andy Samberg in this one.

I mean, I’m having an internal monologue about this very thing.  He COULD be a fake Timothy Dalton...but....why?  Even if it’s the real Timothy Dalton would it be that interesting?  It’s sort of interesting that the Real Timothy Dalton would have such terrible opinions...but not that surprising somehow.

AND this scene is incredibly important to the new one’s plot.  I’M SERIOUS.

It is correct in that the new one is better, though, because it is just frickin’ amazing.  I’m already wanting to see it again.  There is SO much in this movie, and so many great moments and unexpected surprises that I really hope anyone that cares about such things doesn’t have them spoiled.  And there are absolute

Seeing it in the theater when it came out, it was everything (at the time) any fan of comics could have hoped for in a superhero movie that the others at the time just hadn’t gotten quite right. Most notably it had easily the best action sequences that seemed to really understand that fights with a six arm dude and a

Agreed about the Walmart scene—it was disturbing on a visceral level, and I found myself wondering how realistic that scenario would be. Living in the south I figure there’s a few rural Walmart’s around me that this would play out exactly like that.

My biggest disappointment was not realizing until this season how incredibly funny the ‘next time on Barry’ gags were.  I thought I was actively avoiding spoilers for this show the whole time (HBO tends to put a little too much info in their previews for my taste) but I finally had to know more info about the ‘time

Part of me thinks that Gene is reveling in being considered the mastermind behind it all.  I could see him not even arguing it that much.  His career had been over for a while anyway.  No press is bad press, right?

He’s had so many great lines, but that one might be my favorite.

There was a very real sense of “the cycle starts anew” thinking about that ending and the expression on their faces.  That kid (and all subsequent ones) will be as fucked up, if not more so, than the Roy children are.

 You’re likely correct, but it sure felt like a ‘tipping point’ for her.  

I’ve heard that show was good, but never got around to watching it.  Thanks for the info--discovered I really like him after SNW so might check it out!

I was genuinely disappointed when it looked like poor, useless Connor wasn’t going to get the one thing he seemed excited about, even if his wife was going to ruin it. More than I realized at first, I suppose, since my first thought when it was becoming clear that Shiv might back out is “oh good, Connor will still get