The Bourne Valedictorian

They both might be great people, but their jobs are to make money for investors, and like the article mentions, there’s no real ‘good or bad’ to that. Money is money, and (no matter how many people think Disney is ‘woke’ or whatever bullshit is being thrown around now) Disney will be driven by making money.

Okay, harsh...and not entirely untrue. But the issue (and why executives exist) is the creative types tend to be great at creative stuff, but so, SO bad at business stuff (). For a relevant example just look at the launch of Image comics back in the 90's and the constant issues they had, mostly due to not

THAT’S where I know him from!  Had a nagging feeling while watching Strange New Worlds but couldn’t pinpoint it haha.

Seems almost unavoidable that things would get convoluted as they 1) add more heroes seemingly every month and 2) try to weave all these stories together in a common universe. The very nature of that will start to annoy people and conversely, keep them from going if they think ‘oh I haven’t seen this show or those

It’s up there, though as a life-long comics nerd, the first Avengers has a special place in my heart in that it exists, and is a good movie.

And also, GotG 3 was fucking amazing.

Severance was my favorite show of last year— far and away. I would never compare the two shows, though, as they are far different in tone, technique and even meaning (such as one can be extracted from either).  They both have their place and I enjoy each, but for very different reasons.

I get it. I really do. I was very much once like you and stopped during season 1 while thinking “why do I give a shit about these horrible people?” I took it back up during the COVID pause (caught up with a lot of TV over that period) and got sucked in, and realized it was because I was viewing it from a different

Right?  When you make disqus look viable you’ve definitely messed up...

Honestly I don’t mind them on the ‘sub-par’ 70's films—I loved the Jungle Book as a kid, but I’ll give the live action credit for seeming more like a real movie since the end was longer and a little closer to the book.

THIS made me fucking crazy watching that craptastic Lion King remake.  THEY HAVE NO EXPRESSION BECAUSE THEY ARE ANIMALS.  I mean, it’s basically like watching a movie you’ve seen (over and over again) but with someone saying the script over documentary footage of animals....except the animals don’t quite look real.  

The thing for Disney is they’re cheap overall, since they don’t have to pay the writers that worked on the original animated movies since there are some bullshit rules separating the two categories. I mean, there’s a chance they pay them anyway, but that seems...unlikely at best.

Seems fishy for sure.

The old comments were a mess, but they were better (and used much, much more) than this mess, that’s for sure.

I don’t know if it’s what they were going for, but those fish look delicious.

Good list, but one small caveat: the human string cheese line was the best line of the season.


While I find this amusing, where the fuck is this guy filming, and why is it so dark???

If this is what kicks off the ‘Youtube Prankster Wars” then it’s all worth it.

Ooh I wonder if it was something like ‘you are being robbed’ or ‘I’m about to hurt you bad’ or something stupid like that?  I mean, that kind of matters, right?