The Bourne Valedictorian

Anyone anywhere attempting to touch me when I am not expecting it should definitely be ‘braced’ as I tend to swing first in those situations, particularly if another family member is with me.

I’m in full support of both of those things stopping for all time.

Oh I guess people like you support public areas being ‘gun free zones’ so they’re subjected to being pranked at will??? HOW ELSE ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO NOT GET PRANKED, JAMES??? Politely ask them to stop? puh-leaze—all that tells me is you’ve never watched one of their videos where they will accuse you of being crazy

After reading that list it’s honestly surprising he wasn’t shot before this.

It’s not really fair to compare The Leftovers to anything, though. It and Severance both have their own weird little niches that they perfectly created.  They’re these interesting little things where everyone involved clearly bought into the weirdness, and somehow it worked.

My theory is that everyone that exists in the John Wick universe is some sort of assassin, but we’re just seeing the ones that run the universe in these films. Everyone else is a low-end assassin that also do the day to day jobs like chef or bellboy or whatever, and the mid-range ones (or folks who maybe don’t have as

He definitely reloads (or grabs other guns when he’s out)--the friend and I that saw it together are pretty familiar with guns and it’s honestly impressive how accurate they are with the reload count.  Now sure the rest is a little silly (though still just the right side of ‘okay I can buy that maybe that could

No shit? I mean, 60 tops, and that’s a healthy 60. Which is what Lance Reddick was ar0und, and he didn’t look 40 to me.

People in the crowd I saw it with were actively yelling “MOTHERFUCKER” at about the midpoint of that scene.  It was glorious.

The audience I saw it with had people (appropriately) yelling curse words at several points during this sequence.

That sequence was my absolute favorite of any JW movie until the overhead sequence in this one, which is just fucking jaw-dropping.

I could totally see a spin-off movie from at least one of the new characters.  Obviously he was written to be one of the more intriguing aspects of this movie, but I do think it was effective overall, even if there was an eyeroll or two along the way haha.

I totally get it, and didn’t watch 2 until it hit streaming...but then wished I’d seen it on the big screen, because at the end of the day these films know what they are and really may be the best of this sub-genre of action films that exist (the Raid or even Speed in that same subset).  I saw 3 at the movies and

For me (lucky enough to see it in an early preview on an IMAX screen a few weeks ago) it reminded me of the brilliant sequence from Minority Report. I know there’s some very well hidden cuts in that sequence but you’d be hard pressed to find them in anything other than a slow motion watch. It’s also one of the only

Reeves and Hurt were so great in this.  I honestly remember very little else about it, except for their performances damn near line-for-line.

Crispin Glover owned that movie so much that I damn near forget everyone else that was in it (aside, of course, from Dennis Hopper)--all I can recall about the rest of them was they didn’t look like they’d showered in a few months before they made the movie.

Having been lucky enough to score tickets to an early screening of John Wick 4 (in IMAX no less) I just want to say it is everything you want in a John Wick movie, while also including the best overhead “no cut” tracking shot since Minority Report, and a fucking amazing homage to The Warriors. Also, it’s somehow two

I looked at that picture for a second too long and my brain came up with this: Harry Styles is shit-faced drunk, just sat straight up and said “I think I shit myself” loud enough for the other two to hear him and this is their immediate reaction to that information.

Pretty people arguing about bullshit will always be popular.  The movie is really just background noise at this point.  

That’s the show I point to (though I misnamed it in an earlier comment...season 2 is overdue, right?) when people bemoan the lack of good new Star Trek content. It’s the first thing since late season Voyager that’s felt like genuine Star Trek to me in a long time.