The Bourne Valedictorian

Yeah I started to respond to OP and realized I wasn’t sure how to say it—”you’re not reading that the way he said it” doesn’t seem quite right, but I’m pretty sure that is the problem.  Sure, seeing the words and reading them in absolutely NO tone of voice makes it sound terrible, but the way it’s written combined

I think he’s just not seeing the forest for the tree is all.

Having tried all of the new Star Trek series you can have them all save Brave New Worlds, which somehow feels like old school Star Trek and was a pleasure to watch.  

He did what now?  That should genuinely be a thing that gets you kicked straight the fuck out of Hollywood.

I think he was asking if it was time to hate him yet.  Clearly the answer is ‘no, not as long as Chris Pratt is still a thing”

I would, but he genuinely seems so fucking likeable--which was the ultimate kiss of death for that weird movie.  He’s not believable as an evil man, even with the permanent devilish look in his eyes.

Hot take: Star Trek: Beyond was the best of the three Trek films with Pine, and it’s not even close.

I mean, this is the best attitude right here.  “Fuck it, it’s Star Wars, I’ll give it a go.”

Boba Fett sort of lost the thread about halfway through and just let shit unravel everywhere after that. It was just sort of a mess, frankly. A 4-episode show or 2-part movie would have been plenty, maybe even too much for BF, and then have those weird Mandalorian 2.5 episodes as a movie to tide everyone over until

Well lets hear your options then

haha that was my biggest problem with it too--wtf do you not scout just a bit for big scary alligator turtles?  

Maybe it’s a long way away and a really boring flight or something?

While the asteroid battle was clearly an homage to ESB, holy shit it was well paced and well done.  Also the sound editing sounded amazing in surround sound too.

We could form a club, since Babu and the one mysterious character woman that knew Poe were the two things I found tolerable in that film, and I hate the rest of it with the fire of one thousand suns.  No more.  No less.  ONE THOUSAND.

That’s more a joke making fun of racists I think, since most of the ones I’ve met have always seemed to think speaking English loudly will break through the Spanish/English barrier somehow.

Dang you said what I was trying to say WAY better than I did.

Right? What the hell with these reviews? I mean, everyone’s entitled to their opinions, of course, but as far as space westerns go this one has been pretty dang good. It’s all a bit goofy and fan service, of course, but that’s pretty much Star Wars in a nutshell at this point, isn’t it? (Dont get me wrong, I LOVED

It was spelled so poorly it made him nauseous!  

Oh you misread my intention there—I LOVE both pretty well, haha. Just saying there’s a place for a show like this alongside things like Mandalorian and cute ass baby space puppets and big ass explosions and Luke Skywalker cameos.

100%--I mentioned over in the Ant-Man review comments that I enjoyed this latest one (saw it last night) more than any Marvel movie in a while due to how weird it manages to be, while still telling a tight (under 2 hours), fun story with a villain that feels like he’s got some heft to him.  It’s still a ‘we have to