The Bourne Valedictorian

God forbid she make a living doing commercials that she only had time to work on three different movie projects (so far) for this year.  

OMG we’ve just laid the groundwork for a Star Wars: Boys from Brazil (Boys from Exegol?) and now I’m 100% on board.

Oh yeah, it’s 100% his age, and like you, I’m at the point where a quiet, introspective Star Wars show that’s well-written with characters that feel real is a welcome change and something I didn’t know I needed until watching this.

Totally fair-I really wanted to. I do think Robbie as Harley is maybe the most perfect casting for any character, ever.

Well wasn’t I surprised when I clicked on the video in the story to see a high-speed car chase!  Those raccoons really want that food, I guess.

Man this reminds me of that absolutely fantastic ‘Astro City’ story that is basically this—it follows the Superman type figure in AC (name escapes me) and he basically has zero life save for helping people and maintaining as much of a secret identity as he can.  It’s heartbreaking, really, and a standout issue in a

Well this is simply not true at all.

I wouldn’t have known who they were if I hadn’t read the (quite good) Annihilation storyline that introduced (among a lot of other things) this iteration of the Guardians. If you’ve never read it and have access to it I highly recommend that storyline and the ‘spin-offs’—IIRC there was one ‘main’ 6-issue series then

I really enjoyed Shazam, but as much as I love Robbie’s portrayal of Harley, BoP was a disaster.  Definitely felt like a ‘studio kept messing with it’ movie (though please note I have no idea if that’s true or not).

For wanting to take down the being responsible for killing millions?  There’s an argument to be made that he was the only one thinking straight.

Oh yeah, that fundamental misunderstanding started with the (for me, movie ruining) portrayal of Pa Kent as a ‘fuck ‘em they’ll be fine without a Superman’ stance. Due to that one major character change MoS is essentially an Elseworlds story, because it sure as shit isn’t a Superman story.  Which, hey, great and all

I 100% read that last part in the Robot Chicken voices.

So long as the crawl starts with “Somehow, Palpatine has returned!” I’m in.  Any new sequel to the last trilogy should be required to do this.

I can tell you the problem with Andor, according to my 16-year-old, and that’s ‘there’s not enough pew-pew’. I get where he’s coming from, though I absolutely love it, it certainly doesn’t appeal to everyone. Depth of character and storytelling and Star Wars are always going to be a tough fit.

I agree that it’s great, but would argue that it’s still leading up to the all important Rogue One, which obviously ties into the original trilogy pretty heavily.

I think this is both the key and the toughest selling point of the whole thing. Is Star Wars a thing that exists with the Skywalker’s being a small portion, or something that can exist on it’s own without always needing to link back to the very first film?

Why on earth would anyone think a successful musical adaptation of a successful and well-thought of movie would do well as a movie version of said musical version???  Did we learn nothing from “The Producers”???

I know they’re old school and the graphics are dated as hell, but the first two games are very much worth playing if you like good old-fashioned RPG’s in an R-rated, post-apocalyptic setting.

On the one hand, you’re not wrong, but on the other, holy shit this is all exhausting.

Fair point, and his wasn’t a terrible plan overall (until the whole ‘jet this island into space’ bit where it started falling apart). But still, in the comics he was much more of a physical threat that at least won a few battles (and even the whole thing in one alternate universe setting) even when his plan was to