The Bourne Valedictorian

So he’s not reached peak Kevin Spacey, is what you’re saying?

God when Fallout was at it’s finest it was really great, wasn’t it?  Still one of the most iconic video game openings, ever.  Makes whatever the hell is going on with the online thing they have out now even sadder, frankly.

I suppose Apple+ was due a ‘whiff’, since the majority of content they’d put out directly before this (TV show wise, anyway) was top notch.  If nothing else I imagine that, like every Apple show I’ve watched so far, the picture quality is stunning.

Oh 100%—there have been a lot of great stories in comics (even the one-offs like SM: Noir) and a great deal of them seem to come from the ‘wouldn’t it be cool if this happened’? frame of mind. That’s a great example—I know I’ve heard more “I just started doodling and then this cool idea came together”. Like most great

Fun Fact: the writers could be copied word for word and won’t get paid a dime for what they wrote in the original film, due to the rules being different for animated and live-action films (for some unfathomable—HA—reason involving the WGA).  So far as I know Disney hasn’t offered any of the original writers even a

It really should be their motto at this point.

If only this could be the movie to kill these so incredibly unnecessary cash grabs.

Okay holy shit you got me with “silly old bare”.  Nice one.

It was like he didn’t even know the rest of the script, as his performance is truly head and shoulders above the rest of that movie.

I don’t think I’ve enjoyed anyone chewing the scenary in an MCU film as much as her.  She really elevated this film (easily the best Thor movie, and really it’s not even close).

I mean, even with it being Raimi’s buddy...he’s got a pretty solid point.

Killgrave is far and away the most evil, disturbing villain in the MCU. Just in the confines of the show (which was darker than anything else the MCU has even flirted with) he was absolutely horrifying.  Just the implications of what he can do are terrifying enough, honestly, and the show really went all out with him

Honestly it’s Brolin that brought the absolutely fantastic character design and gave it real weight.  At this point we’ve all seen completely CGI characters plenty of times, but his was the best performance since Andi Sirkis (either gollum or in the PoTA movies, take your pick) to really make the character your mind

eh, my first thought reading this comment was “oh yeah, he did play a bad guy didn’t he?”—-problem is the next two Spider-Man films that came out were both better than that one (not by much, mind you, and that one was really well done).

I mean, Spader was great and I enjoyed the Ultron performance...but he lost to the Avengers every time he physically fought them in this film (three by my count), so that’s got to knock him down a few spots.

Yes. I may be the only one (also an MCU die hard) and I can say I liked it WAY more than the reviewer—I think, it’s hard to say for sure though, since this review was more like a weird Star Wars ad libs than a review.

Now I’ve seen it, and that is an accurate, one-line review.  

You know, some dude had been screaming that the AV Club were all just paid lackeys to Disney’s wokeness, but none of us listened.

It’s real, and it’s spectacular.

“Outsiders assist rebels in overthrowing corrupt leader”?  That plot?  I have some really bad news if you think the sequel to Tron introduced that storyline.