The Bourne Valedictorian

Honestly I saw it last night and liked it MUCH more than this reviewer did.  It wasn’t as dark as I was expecting, but you know, it’s an Ant-Man film, and I thought it did a great job of balancing the weirdness with menace from Jonathan Majors.  And it may have the most comic-geek head-exploding after-credits scene

This is what is known as “the comic book problem”--with so many universes and death meaning nothing, it does get very ‘what the hell is the point’ after a while.  Of course, so does life, so there’s that...

“Quantumania is certainly entertaining from start to finish”

I don’t wonder if there aren’t more scenes focusing on the two of them coming up in the show, since what you describe is accurate, and sort of makes sense in terms of how the story is going so far (though I admit I’m not really sure how much time has passed since Tess died and where we are now—I assume a couple of

Good points, and I’d add that her utterly fantastic impression of him went a long way, too.

It’s doing fine, thanks! Now...

Sure, why not!  I loved him in Rick and Morty!  

Batman was pretty much it as far as super-hero movies go (the Reeves Superman films had fizzled out by this point) when it was released, so for sure the ‘darkest’ and only superhero movies we’d get for a while until..well... Darkman, I guess...which led to Raimi getting the nod to direct Spider-Man, so it all worked

This makes it sound like he’s REALLY bad at karaoke.

It’s been a while for sure.  Hopefully they’re getting the help they so obviously need.


Haha maybe.  Who knows--it would be a surprise, to be sure...but a welcome one.  I think I got KYS AND die a horrid painful death in a fire.  It was right around there I realized it was a pretty pointless (and repetitive) interaction.  ah well, I hope you don’t KYS!  or die in a fire for that matter!

Watching a few breakdowns of the show on Youtube several of them note that the locations on the show are all real places (the roller coaster they passed a couple of weeks ago was a real one in Kansas, for instance, that my son who watches with us now wants to go ride).

lol I follow his comments every now and then (I made the mistake of engaging once, realized he’s just this character all the time and decided I had better things to do with my time) and I think you win for responding the most number of times. I am looking forward to the news story that will be coming (“local man’s

I believe they were intending to go to a location in KC (they referred to it last episode, but I forget the name).

Yeah when you realize her (and the people of KC’s) victory was very short-lived due to her obsessive need for vengeance at the end of everything...that’s a pretty solid gut-punch, to go along with the massive gut punch of an ending the episode had.  For my money this is the best episode so far (I loved three, don’t

Congratulations!  You are now qualified to be a video game developer!

They have actually happened. They’re just not good. I will guarantee you that my mother has seen them all, and will probably recommend this one to me sometime soon. I will, of course, smile and nod and change the subject immediately.

I’ve long held the opinion that I likely wouldn’t care for most celebrities were I to meet them in person (with the obvious exception of Keanu Reeves), as regular people are a lot on any given day, and celebrities are just regular people amplified by privilege/money.  That obviously doesn’t mean that they’re any more

Not reading the review as I honestly don’t care about this film, but wanted to give kudos for the tag line.  Nice work!