The Bourne Valedictorian

I actually a really nice copy of the extended version (amalgamated from several sources and done pretty well—good quality, but not quite full HD)—it’s not great, honestly. It’s an achievement in film-making for sure, since Cameron can’t seem to make a ‘regular’ movie. Honestly it’s a little amusing

Such a fun and weird movie.  You can tell through those kinds of things they really thought of deep and interesting back-stories for every character in the film

lol the more of your comments I read about Terrifier I’m very worried about you and what you might be capable of...and somehow want to be your best friend.

Oh sure, it was The Ring all over again, but an original enough take that it deserved an honorable mention.

Yeah that makes sense that he might be thinking of the cost of making both so far (I can’t imagine he was working in the next year’s worth of expenses on 3, though, as then that $500M would seem low).

I’d like to snub her hard, if you know what I mean!

True--Hollywood accounting always seem to be whatever they need it to be to fit the story at the time...I will say seven movies seems kind of ridiculous haha. Even five sounded crazy, but I guess if he’s just going to retell the same story over and over again it might not be that nuts. Rocky basically did that

My reference was to the U.S. projections that were updated that day...and turned out to be about $15 million too high, and that’s with the added 3D bump. It might have legs, but so few films do anymore with the short streaming window that it’s hard to imagine this is going to be more successful than the first (which

I thought the cost was somewhere around $500 million (according to Cameron)?  He keeps saying it needs to be the third or fourth highest grossing film of all time to break even.  Either way the next one is done filming so hard to imagine Disney won’t release it (though I guess they could save a small fortune not

While there’s zero chance that’s true, if what Cameron says is true and it needs to ‘make as much as the first one’ to break even then it’s in big trouble.  Box Office tracking as of today is $120-150 million opening.  It’s all word of mouth after that.  Even if it makes half of what the first one did that’s still a

Ah yes--Hellbender falls into that last one (watched it last night--honestly I’d seen it on too many ‘best of’ lists, I think, as I felt like it was good, but a bit over-rated).

Yep--respect the hell out of it for getting under my skin as much as it did, but I don’t think I can ever revisit that one.  So fucking bleak.  

I got the distinct feeling that the Terrifier series is heading in that direction, though, as they’ve really started laying groundwork for backstory. Though they probably figure no one is looking at the screen long enough to really follow it.

Funny as that was my exact first mental image as well while watching Barbarian. Couldn’t disagree more about X, though, as saw it at home and loved it (though I liked Pearl more, and didn’t love X until after seeing Pearl).

It was definitely marketed as a horror movie. I honestly didn’t realize it wasn’t until the Lee Pace scene (and then actually realized what might be going on).  Horror can be a hard genre to pin down.  Suspense feels like a better description of that one.

I saw X first, and then saw Pearl when it was released....and immediately watched X again.  Pearl makes X better and it was very good to begin with.  Mia Goth is good in X, but she is transcendent in Pearl.  I know the Academy tends to ignore horror films, but I fully believe she deserves a nomination for her work in

I didn’t like it nearly as much as you (the end just didn’t work for me) but I thoroughly enjoyed it up to a point, and didn’t hate it due to the ending like I have other films (looking at you High Tension).  Every performance in that one was good, and for sure the direction was top notch.

Huh....I know that video will give a lot of depth to what you’ve written here, but yeah that’s a pretty great sum up. I’d add The Witch to the category, though, and it doesn’t quite fit that definition.

Agreed—definitely worthy of a mention at least. It lost it’s way a bit towards the end, but great set up and dread-building all the way through.

That was one that I respected for being ballsy, but will not ever watch again.  Jesus such a downer.