The Bourne Valedictorian

That’s a great comparison, as they both go off the fucking rails at about the same point (Barbarian maybe a hair sooner) but honestly while I laughed my ass off at that point in Malignant, it didn’t work for me in Barbarian. But yeah, they’re close to the same level of insanity (close, but Malignant is just so, SO

Alright then, now I’ll be watching Black Christmas’. All three of them, but in reverse order. I will report my findings later.

Worst thing is they probably DON’T have a nicer load page, since one of the reasons I don’t watch Prime as much is their layout is absolute shit.

Haha Blue Mountain State was gloriously terrible and didn’t give two shits that it was, and I love it for that. I’ll check it out again. If you’re thinking about it, all I can say is just react to the phrase “community pocket pussy” and that should tell you all you need to know whether it will be your kind of show or

Welp, I’m sold.  Sounds amazing and I haven’t heard a damn thing about it until now.

Poor Tucker Carlson will look so confused when he finds this out.  

I watched “Better Watch Out” entirely due to reading this list, and I very much appreciate the recommendation.  It fooled me on several different turns, but was a lot of fun (though oh my if the ending had gone the way I was expecting I would have enjoyed it far, far less)

Oof I knew I was forgetting some things—thank you for the video comparing TOS to SNW—seriously I’d watched all of the other ‘new’ Star Trek shows and was ‘meh’—some was good, most wasn’t, but Strange New Worlds is easily the best Star Trek show since TNG, and that’s saying a lot.

Sandman coming to the screen in such a fabulous version has to be mine, but the double whammy of X and Pearl and Mia Goth’s coming out party in those is a close second.  I am very excited for the third movie next year.  Separately they were very good horror movies, but together they are an entirely new, different and

Oh ages 2-3 are worse, since they learn to talk and are somehow able to articulate the most terrifying things in ways adults would never think the time my daughter told me to be sure and close her bedroom curtains so the ‘man outside the window’ wouldn’t see her tonight...her bedroom was on the 2nd floor.


I came here to say this exact thing. At this point I’m hate-watching it, and I joke with pretty much everyone I know that SOMETHING has to happen this season, since it’s the final season. Over these first three (four?  I swear I’m not even sure) seasons about 4 things total seem to have happened.  It’s a great looking

As someone who is just now catching up on all of this, this tweet made me laugh very, very hard.

The market has already punished Buy buying all the tickets they offered and paying all those fees? Sure, the fans were upset, but with not much recourse against a MONOPOLY like Ticketmaster except to complain to congress about unfair business practices, it seems pretty easy to see how we got here.

So great to see Oldman in this character again.  I barely care if it has a plot, so long as he gets plenty of screentime.  It feels like this one has gotten off to a faster pace than the first season as it’s mostly bypassing the character intros.

Or John Candy about to have a heart attack after five minutes of racquetball....though I guess that might be in almost as bad taste as the original Splash Mountain theme...

While I agree the writing could be better for Mandalorian, I have thoroughly enjoyed that show for what it is as well, and can’t even begin to imagine the complaints if they had too many ‘quiet’ episodes...

Oh man I guess I better get over there and comment about how I’m not watching it either!  Although that’s a trend I don’t want to start...not sure I have time to comment on all the things I’m not watching (though I do enjoy the sense of superiority I get from it).

Isn’t this basically HBO’s model?  I’m sure GoT was a huge draw for them, but they’ve been producing their own content for years and seem to be making it work.  It’s undoubtedly harder than it used to be (as I imagine original shows are ‘shopped’ around at this point) but they seem to still be pretty good at it.

I cut the cord over ten years ago at this point and I’m paying almost as much as I did for cable back then—but I have FAR more control over what I’m paying for, and that is the selling point for me.  It’s getting out of hand, sure, but that will sort itself out here in a few years.