The Bourne Valedictorian

He was probably thinking “I already own two spots in the all time highest grossing movies top ten—how hard could another one be?”  Seriously, if the new Avatar makes half of what the first one did it will be number 12 all time.  It’s really not that big a risk.

It’s occured to me on more than one occasion that I’m paying close to what I paid for cable all those years ago...buuuut with a much wider selection and far fewer ‘forced’ channels.  Turns out I didn’t mind paying that much, so long as it’s for things that I actually want to watch.

I think they’re discovering why cable companies locked people into two-year contracts. As a consumer it’s amazing to be able to subscribe to something for a month then cancel when you’ve watched what you wanted to, but it would be incredibly hard to build a business model around a constantly changing revenue stream.

Bob Iger is a genius, no two ways about it.  Dude sets all of the things everyone hates in motion a couple of years ago then bows out, knowing how unpopular all of this would be, and gets welcomed back with open arms to fix all the stuff he screwed up.  Sure, Bob “scapegoat” Chapek was the face of it all, but I

I had the music stuck in my head for a good long while after this episode ended.  The score has been absolutely brilliant.

She has been one of the highlights of this show so her death needs to be something that makes me both go ‘FUCK YES’ and feel sad that she won’t be on the show anymore...

I can’t tell you how much I hope they bring back Krennic for next season. It almost feels like they have to, but it’s hard to say. I would, however, be totally okay with no more Tarkin, unless through a hologram or something. While the effect was really good in Rogue One, my brain knows Peter Cushing has been dead a

100% agreed— really makes sense that the Empire would have to resort to something like this to complete a project of that magnitude (which, you know, has firepower that can’t be repelled). We saw Cassian’s group make, what, a dozen or so of a part that they must have needed millions of?  Forced slave labor from

Honestly the Canto thing was pretty brilliant, in that it gave Mon a place to explain where that money was going, AND most Star Wars fans (even if they hate it with a fiery passion) understand the reference. I thought it was a nice little bit of world building, but then I didn’t hate Last Jedi the way many (most?) do..

While we all guessed it was coming, I did appreciate the fact that Andor had a hand in building the thing that would bring about his own demise. Plus, it also serves as a ‘countdown’ clock—next season will not cover much time in the SWU, I’m guessing, seeing as how we see the ring thing being installed as the final

I see very little chance this will flop more than “Black Cauldron” did, but seeing as how no one even remembers that movie maybe it doesn’t count anymore?

I was so confused when I saw that Glass Onion was going to be on Netflix 30 days after--and honestly worried that it was terrible due to that.  Pleasantly surprised at the great reviews, and will be seeing it next weekend (wanted to go over the holidays, but just too much other stuff to do).

I have never seen any numbers on this, but I’m guessing after the shutdown, studios are trying to figure out if the ‘rental’ market is going to be more profitable or not. I’m a little surprised Black Adam wasn’t more than the other releases, though. You’d think they’d experiment with $50 rentals...or at least $30 like

This wasn’t Pixar, though? I know it’s confusing, but I’m pretty sure this was just a straight “Disney animation” release.

Yeah I actually loved that the attack happened due to the Empire’s hubris rather than the Luthen fucking up.

I could see it being by her, if she was aware the Empire was watching her to get to Andor, but she would definitely have to have help.  The fact that they build buildings out of the dead is pretty convenient for not being able to verify death, though.

I thought the exact same thing!  Why not show her body?  All the main ‘players’ seem to think she’s dead, though, so if she isn’t the question is who helped her?  It would have to be the people that carted her out I would guess, but they would likely have to be connected to someone else, and so on...still, seemed a

It’s basically the same issue comics have had for...ever, really. They work hard to make this giant world where it’s shown that all these heroes exist alongside each other, but then for most big events they’re busy or somewhere else, etc. (it always feels like the X-Men are ‘off planet’ more than on when big

We’ve seen how much ‘phases’ can shift, even mid-phase. I’m not convinced Marvel even put out a ‘real’ schedule, as I think there’s things with the Kang storyline that might get into spoiler territory by revealing too much. I think the first Kang film was likely accurate, but the second Avengers film will get moved.

Haha I mentioned that very thing in the BP 2 comments—how in the hell would the Namorians (I really don’t know what to call them) have dealt with half of their population suddenly dusting away?? How long did it even take them to find out why? I get not helping with Thanos, assuming they had no idea what’s happening in