The Bourne Valedictorian

She is just frickin’ stunning.  It was, frankly, distracting every single time she was on screen.

Right? Heroes on the whole are sort of boring. Mewly Luke vs F you right up  Vadar? Is that even a contest?

Well you need to get better at it.  This here’s the internets, and it’s a place of arguin’.  Ya varmit.  

Ha!  I honestly thought it was a ‘double-post’ when I saw the second comment listing the same movies in the same order. That’s pretty funny.

Alan Moore says this same thing in every article about Watchmen.  Since the first talk of making it into a movie back in the 90's, to the ‘Before Watchmen’ comics, to the actual movie, to the series, whenever he’s asked, he says basically this same thing.  Pretty much for three decades now.

Ooooh I’d love to see that be Ari Aster’s next film. 

I think it’s more the fact that he’s never actually seen them that makes him the crank.

This just in:  Alan Moore still old; crankier than ever

My non-spoilery review: it’s better than “Kills” which would be last on my personal list even though there’s some of these I only half-watched once years ago.  It’s not particularly-good, and it’s got a really odd story.  They tried to be different, so points for trying.

I really enjoyed it for what it tried to do by attempting to change the trajectory of these films, and the mask scene is pretty fucking horrifying, but yeah, it’s not good.

All I can say to seeing the title of this article is....Thirteen?  GODDAMN?  THIRTEEN?!?!!

The only real notes I have for season 2:  MORE DWARVES

“Now let’s make some mithril thimbles!”

That has to be the best ‘screw you guys, I’m going home’ scene ever.

As someone who gives no shits whatsoever regarding the source material, this was a pretty great season.  Properly epic all the way around, well-acted and told, and most of the ‘subplots’ were pretty interesting and well-handled.  Final episode gets knocked down a full grade for having no dwarves, but aside from that

How was it Sauron could simply walk into Mordor????

Right?  Maybe make a good movie and then complain if it doesn’t get a proper release.

I’ll just go with “He probably wouldn’t go to THAT much trouble to make up totally believable Tolkien gobbledygook just to make a point so it’s likely a real quote...but if he did, that is one determined dude and the gibberish seems 100% Tolkienish so either way, I don’t care enough to give this that much thought or

Yeah he was just missing the final piece, which is why the orcs were looking for it in the first place.  Was this in question?

This.  I’ve read The Hobbit and the LotR books and honestly found the trilogy to be a bit of a slog to get through.  I tried one or two of the historical books but just didn’t care.  The made-up history of a made-up world matters far less to me than telling a good story, and so far I am really enjoying this show.