The Bourne Valedictorian

I absolutely LOVE that my sons are into this show.  They ask about House of the Dragon, but once I explain how much nudity and sex there is on it and how crazy uncomfortable it would be for all of us to be in the same room while that’s happening they lose interest pretty quickly.  They sure would like to see the

You kids today and your facegramming nonsense!

It’s just as Lea as the nose on plain’s face-- that girl can sing! a funny way.

It’s solid, nonetheless!  BRAVO!

Yeah they mention that Aragorn was descended from them in the extended versions of the LoTR movies (the last one, I think?).  Honestly they might have mentioned it in the regular versions as well, but it’s been a crazy long time since I’ve seen those versions so it’s hard to say.  

I don’t know a lot about the lore, but I do know it would make for a really weird series if the humans were recast each episode since they’d have all died off over the course of time this story covers in ‘book lore’ (for lack of a better term).  Weird and off-putting, I would think. I’m all for the changes, so far,

I was honestly thinking “she chose WW 3 over a new Star Wars movie?  Did she even see WW 2???”  And then I realized she probably did, but immediately forgot it just like everyone else.

Wait a minute, wait a minute--wasn’t I a sheeple that was supposed to wake up?  But now that I’m awake I’m TOO awake and have gone all woke?  Politics is truly baffling.

The biggest thing that’s ‘off’ to me is that this is the same company that made a giant purple guy look very real.  Why is a giant green woman so hard?  Is it a matter of budget?  I don’t understand how computer effects budgets work anyway--once you have a system capable of doing those types of effects it seems like

I’ve enjoyed this show immensely, but alas after last week any episode that is Maydisinn-free is automatically subpar. She needs her own show where the MCU happens around her.

Okay, I take back hating the idea that it’s Gandalf, because if it’s Gandalf after the Balrog, well that’s way more cool that just screwing with the timeline to get a popular character squeezed in--it’s creative sci-fi writing to get a popular character squeezed in!

Thirteen is what you’re looking for. Thirteen is the correct number.

Sorry but that Warg reminded me so much of Ed from the Lion King that I was snickering.

Oh totally--and “annoyed” might be too strong a term as I’m really enjoying this show so far.  I’d be okay with it being Gandalf, but would think it was cooler if it was one of the other wizards.

Oh man, he’s onto us guys!  Somehow he’s figured out the reviewer and all the positive comments here are being paid for by Amazon!  Quick, delete his comments!

Fair enough.  Thanks for being a grown-up about it.  (I mean that--feel like it needs to be said on this site sometimes)

Wow--that surprises me to read.  I have a pretty state of the art system at home, and this may be the best looking thing I’ve ever watched on it.

Honestly I’m going to be pretty annoyed if it’s Gandalf--I get the elves being the same and dig that, but too many of ‘this guy is totally that guy or his relative’ coincidences will lead me to think they didn’t have enough original ideas to support the show.  Plus, I don’t know a ton of the lore, but I could swear

It started out as the weakest story for sure, but improved fast when meteor guy arrived.