The Bourne Valedictorian

To be fair, that’s a VERY long list.  Probably shorter to include the ones that don’t look like that.  All that comes to mind is Gary Oldham, but that’s probably because no one is entirely sure what he looks like in reality.

It is maybe the most stunning media I’ve ever seen, in any form. The money they spent is easy to see, and the details look right on the screen. I found myself wishing several times they’d ‘slow pan’ over some of the amazing scenery. Mostly the elf cities, but the dwarf city and the first evil stronghold come to mind

Honestly, yeah, I’m with you.  The analogy was dumb and I was annoyed with it, but it got better very fast, and I did enjoy that Galadriel jumped up with fists ready to go.  Those elf cool kids might be dicks, but she is not about to get bullied.

It will be more interesting if it’s been going on a while now--the identity of the kid’s father and the fact we haven’t seen his ears this whole show makes me wonder if maybe they haven’t been together longer than we can tell from the two episodes.

Just reading this little bit makes me thing ‘raft boy’ is Sauron.  Guess we’ll see, but pretty sure that ship is Numenorean and they show him in jail later.  Obviously I could be wrong, but I saw that much in the lore on youtube.

Right? “Original vague outline” is probably more accurate from what I understand. Blows my mind people are upset.   Well, not about the race thing, sadly—it doesn’t surprise me at all that the usual suspects are up in arms over it. I’m still exhausted over the “Death wasn’t black!” arguments about Sandman.

I thought this very thing when I was reading some of the ridiculous criticisms online. I tried to watch some ‘lore’ Youtube videos and my head was freakin’ spinning. There’s a LOT, and it’s insane.  I feel like I understand all that I care to from what the show has given so far, and I’m looking forward to watching the

Right? She’s 6000 years older in LOTRs! She’s tired of all that bs by that point I’m sure.

I think the issue here is that we allowed the general public to review things at all.  How much more proof do we need that the general public are, by and large, morons?  

He probably did it in some 10-page song form, which I would have skipped the fuck right over.

It always baffles me when those idiotic complaints are made by people who clearly didn’t read or, if they did, comprehend the source material at all (see also: Sandman).  They just want to be mad about women doing things, I guess.

I actually grimaced a bit at that myself. I mean, they’re ancestors of Hobbits, yes? (I genuinely don’t know—all of the stuff outside of the main books was a lot to try and get through—hell, the main books had some very bad parts....looking at you Tom Bombadil). I guess the accents could evolve to what they were in

Which is the very thing this article is about—how there’s a bunch of disingenuous reviews because of racist morons hating that black elves exist.  The ACTUAL reviews are pretty good.

I’ve said that same thing to pretty much everyone I know while I was recommending Everything, Everywhere, etc—it’s the movie that makes all the bold moves and has all the weirdness that Dr Strange should have had.

Weird--I was able to watch them just fine.  And will be watching them again soon as I found them to be amazing.   Don’t know the source material beyond Hobbit and Lord of the Rings so can’t really comment on that.

Right?  The first two stories were great for introductions and table-setting, but the series gets infinitely better as it moves along.  Though they did manage to rather fantastically merge my two-favorite ‘stand-alone’ stories into one episode, so I’ll be okay if it doesn’t get past this...but man this first season

thank God he had a hand in this production--Dream is much, MUCH more likeable from the start, and he’s already growing as a character.  The comics were interesting in that you could see Gaiman growing as the books went on, but I very much enjoyed this Dream coming from a ‘less assholy’ place from the start.  He’s

Honestly, the TV coming out now is quite possibly the best that’s ever been’s just really fucking hard to find, is all, between the 239 streaming services out there offering original content.

I am just NOW finding out about it, and I am a HUGE Sandman fan.  

Who freakin’ knows? Streaming companies keep all that stuff so close to the vest that it’s almost impossible to define ‘successful’. Of course, Netflix has been so poorly run for so long that ‘do really well’ probably means “did 10 million new subscribers sign up to watch it?”