The Bourne Valedictorian

She is wise for one so young.

You know, I’d never really thought about it until this show, but I totally see the Republic actually putting out word that Anakin died instead of totally going traitor.  Use him as an inspiring story rather than one of defeat.

All of the scenes where he’s doing his best to not stand out, while being the only one in a 10-mile radius that looks exactly like a Jedi were pretty mind-boggling.  “We’ll never find a Jedi in all thes...oh wait, there that guy in the desert poncho--that’s probably him”

Or Merlin!  Space wizards, amirite?

My kids and I guffawed at the fact that somehow the Empire managed to find a species that somehow were never taught to run properly and send them after Young Leia.  They looked so incredibly and completely ridiculous I’m a little surprised that scene made the cut.

Why is John Krasinski so well-informed about the Depp/Heard trial?

Wait--isn’t Depp suing her for something?  How can he be guilty?  Wouldn’t he just....lose?

Well now I understand why people want to win cases of these!  They look delicious!!!

I would act like I was stealing every time I was in one of these places. 

Wait--where does The Incredible Hulk fit into this?

I’ve found this to be the case with most of the stuff on Disney+.  We have a pretty nice surround system, but if that center channel isn’t up at least 50% more than the rest we’re either getting blown out by the special effects or can’t understand half of what’s being said.

While you’re not wrong, I would make a counter-argument that Loki’s third episode is MUCH better when binging the show, rather than having a week to have it sit there. I just re-watched the entire series in a couple of days and was impressed at how much better it ALL plays when watched like that. The extra week did

This is at least the second time Marvels TV shows have felt restricted by the (mandated?) 6-episode structure. I know it’s been a loose structure to this point, but why not just make it as long or as short as it needs to be? I agree that--while I’ve really enjoyed it so far--this show has a ‘rushed’ feel to it.

If you like that you should definitely be watching Slow Horses on AppleTV—that show is fantastic, and it’s as ‘slow British spy thriller’ as they come.

Ha! I had to read the plot twice to even get a vague idea that I saw it. It’s honestly a little weird how forgettable that movie was.

I think Dean Koontz died in 2007 and that hasn’t slowed him down a bit.

Have you got anything more action packed “Driving Miss Daisy?”

Well YOU sound just like my ex-girlfriends.

So are you just surprised whenever a new movie comes out?  I seriously can’t even picture this.

Right?  I’d be genuinely overcome with emotion if I ever met her, and that’s not true of many people (Julie Andrews comes to mind).