The Bourne Valedictorian

Her deciding to do a ‘cannonball’ as they fall through the floor the last time has long been my favorite part of that very strange video.  That move just has the perfect ‘might as well do this’ vibe to it.

It was my understanding he could barely move in it, so he might have gotten action done to him, but I don’t think he was able to do more than stand there (or lie there I suppose)

I enjoyed it—it knows what it is and delivers on that 100%. So long as the viewer understands what he’s getting ready to watch and has adequate expectations it’s hard for me to imagine being disappointed with it.

I’m honestly surprised by that.  She seems perpetually 27.  And is one of the most attractive women on the face of the earth, even when playing a distasteful character like Melinda.

You never know, maybe he talked him down from an outrageous Scottish accent in the vein of Mike Myers.

Yeah it was all there, but kind of amazing how my own perceptions blocked them out with what I thought was going to happen, rather than just trusting what was told and shown to me throughout the film.

I felt the same way about Eternals!

Thanks—I’ve always found the book to be a little too impenetrable, so this information is useful for context.  I quite enjoyed the film, but mostly due to the great acting and incredible world-building it does.  It’s obvious the director cared deeply for making this world as lived-in and authentic as possible. 

It’s a classic for sure.  And this is easily the best version of it ever put to film.  It’s like watching a painting come to life.  It was all done so fucking well I can’t say enough good things about it.  I get that Shakespeare is not a lot of people’s bag, but for anyone that loves film this movie should be on their

Kathryn Hunter was fucking robbed.  She was incredible (as was everyone in this movie).

As a straight man who’s seen more than my share of westerns, I did NOT see the end coming (and rather stupidly, in hindsight). I had to think about that a long time—it plays with the tropes of westerns, masculinity, and even homosexuality as it’s portrayed in movies so well that I thought I was being led in one

I was genuinely surprised the kid didn’t get the actor nod--I could see how it’s a supporting role, but it felt much bigger.

The Power of the Dog is absolutely outstanding.  Subversive and smart, and 100% deserves to be on this list.  Not sure it was my personal choice for Best Picture (probably Macbeth, as it’s the only film on the list I immediately watched again--though I have seen Dune 3 times now and am thoroughly impressed with the

Nah I’m with you. I dug it. Laughed a lot. But I certainly could have found another dozen films to nominate before Don’t Look Up for Best Picture.

I stopped noticing ages ago since I assume someone in the comments will let me know of any and all errors in the articles.

I’m too lazy to look it up, so I’m going with “maybe?”


There is zero chance you didn’t have this headline (along with 2 others) ready to go before you ever wrote the review.  I mean, it’s a softball, but sometimes you still have to take that swing.

Just a barrel o’ laughs was ol Willie.  

I mentioned in a previous comment that I watched with the subtitles on to be sure I was following—wish I’d re-read it as well, but the subtitles were a great substitute. I did rewind a few times to make sure I was following some of the more intricate wordplay. Then I watched it without them on, just to soak it all in.