The Bourne Valedictorian

If you are a fan of either film or acting then yes, there is something here for you, as this film is just stunning in both appearance and the performances within. I had to watch with the subtitles on to pick up on all the incredible wordplay (and be sure I was following the ins-and-outs of both a simple and incredibly

I’m going to see it, but man will I be disappointed if that’s the direction they go.

The last Star Wars trilogy is a great example of the worst aspects of lazy writing--to a degree that it genuinely makes me angry to think about.

Saw this last night at an early preview. Let me preface the rest of this comment by saying I am a HUGE fan of the original. Seriously, one of my all-time favorite films ever since I was a kid. I know the lyrics to most songs by heart, and can quote wholesale much of the movie. After a few drinks I’ve been known to

God yes that Mambo (!) scene is the epitome of dance/choreography/musical storytelling.  It should be mandatory to study that scene in film school.

It is one of my all time favorite films, but I see it through nearly the same eyes my 6-year-old self did many years ago. It’s problematic in it’s depiction of race, like most movies at the time, and the dialogue is borderline silly (like most movies at the time). But then again, the idea of singing and dancing street

I agree--it’s the ‘Watchmen’ or Stephen King conundrum all over again.  When someone says it hurts the original the counter-argument is (and should be) “no--it doesn’t affect it all, and you can still watch/read the original version any time you like”.

Psycho is an odd comparison, though, since (IIRC) the director remade it shot-for-shot. I think if you wanted to ‘reboot’ Psycho you go full slasher and just retell the story in an updated setting. No reason why that wouldn’t be a decent little suspense/gore film. Hell, even screw with the ending a little bit in a

I mean, you could say the same about The Emoji Movie.  I’m not sure if that helps or hurts your argument, though.

I scored tickets to an early preview tomorrow night, and have been both incredibly excited and very nervous—the original film is one of my all time favorite movies and has been from a very young age (along with Star Wars—I was equally influenced by my mother and father it seems).  I’m glad to read this review as it’s

He probably doesn’t like Connor because he’s so tight. I mean, I heard once that if you shoved a lump of coal up his ass you’d have a diamond two weeks later....

This is exactly how I read that scene as well--even getting a little annoyed with how ‘on the nose’ the description was for what Shiv is currently experiencing (and probably has all her life I suppose) from her father.

That’s kind of been the point of the show all along, though, hasn’t it?  How much abuse are you willing to take from a person that supposedly loves you in order to possibly gain a lot of power, wealth and influence?  And to be fair, it’s a LOT (though it’s been diminishing slightly in the recent past according to the

Yeah great question--probably because he volunteered.  I’m also assuming that the writers took your question into account with the “Christmas Tree” nickname, but as you say--surely there’s enough that he can’t be the only one going down.  Though with the other plotline of the ‘papers not being as sensational as

I’m glad to have found this mention of the show on here, but I’d love to see an episode by episode breakdown of this one.  I’m really enjoying it so far.  Maybe an episodes by episodes since this one has an odd release schedule?  Treat each release date as a single write-up?  Just spitballing here, so you know, do

I don’t have regular (?) HBO so I’m never sure what’s what as far as HBO MAX only—I’m sure it’s listed on there but I’ve never cared until this moment reading about the weird release date schedule. It sure seems like the one fantastic show, “Hacks” which I thought was streaming only, but again—totally not sure. That

Fair point--perhaps they just seem more competent, and perhaps that’s only due to the power that comes from wealth....which, honestly, should make it a lot easier to map them to real life people.

Haven’t started this season yet (and I do really enjoy this show, but not enough hours in the day and all that), but wanted to pop on to every review I see of HBO shows to request reviews for “The Sex Lives of College Girls” as it is absolutely hilarious.

Everything about that joke was gold--from the timing to the hilariously unpredictable punchline.  I was laughing so hard I had to go back to see what Jost said next.

He looked stoned as hell, and that was cracking me up this entire sketch.  He was DESTROYING that cake, and looked very happy doing it.