The Bourne Valedictorian

This seems like a solid use of free time!

The joke in the cold open about Jeanine  Shapiro’s history as a judge --”Well folks, 30 years and one additional murder later--WE GOT HIM!” was easily my favorite joke of the night.  Her Shapiro impression is so fantastic that it will be  a while before I get tired of seeing it--unlike the Trump impression that, while

I genuinely hope they had an ‘ending’ in mind for this show when they pitched it, and start building towards it soon. HBO has been decent at not letting shows live past their prime (GoT aside)—unlike Showtime, where every original show they create seems to last twice as long as it should.

I’m wondering if that might be the cliff-hanger for this season.  Tom decides he’d rather not go to prison and all hell breaks loose.

He is such a great character.  I can’t really think of another like him on TV.  He’s been outside looking in since the beginning (almost like the family joke) that the only way he can find to ingratiate himself is to go to prison for the family’s sins.  There are a lot of great performances on this show, but his is

I’m with you--it never occurs to me to even try to map this family onto real life people.  The obvious comparison to Fox is unavoidable, but beyond that these people portrayed on the show are all so competent I wouldn’t even know where to begin trying to find real-life counterparts.


Goddammit now I hope that’s exactly what happens.  I’d PAY for a game like that.

This sounds so freakin’ weird that I am 100% on board, and I don’t typically care for ‘fortnight’ style games.

I thought it was funny.  I mean, I’m old and that’s exactly how I’d react if I were in the situation (you know, never having heard the name and then seeing the arms--how could you NOT react like that?).  Maybe not quite that rude, but there’s zero chance I wouldn’t snicker.

Oh God I hope they switch bodies by the end of it! Talk about unexpected!

Honestly the Thor movies were the same--making the last one a ‘team-up’ was brilliant (and easily the best).  I think a lot of the newer, ‘weaker’ characters will get that treatment (i.e., the way Dr Strange will have at least a few Marvel ‘co-stars’).  Hell, they may be skipping ‘origin’ movies entirely with the new

The title and concept got me close, but once Sam Raimi was attached I officially had a ‘nerdgasm’.

I was with you until the Eternals. I get that introducing them was important to where they want to go, but if any MCU film should have been a 6-10 episode show it’s that one.

Yeah I’m 100% convinced the ‘Brazilian’ trailer ‘mistake’ was intentional and deliberate (particularly since so many YouTubers have commented on trailers ‘this might be an edited shot’ since the A:IW trailers).

Pretty sure they polish these things right up to release date (and sometimes after if the D+ shows are any indication) so I never worry too much about how the trailers look.

That was my thought, too.  

That’s the thing that no one seems to be talking about with this trailer--Dr. Strange seems....’off’ right?  I mean, he’s always been kind of a dick, but now he seems to be acting more like an asshole than a dick.  Does that make sense?  Just a little too non-chalant about casting the spell, and a little too jerky

Damn the truck hit him twice?

It’s obviously Mephisto.  Think about it--literally NO ONE (except maybe that one guy on new rockstars) would be expecting it!