The Bourne Valedictorian

I find it hard to believe the entire state cheers for a violent death, no matter how deserving.  Being a fucking idiot shouldn’t mean you deserve a death sentence.  Maybe a light to not-so-light-mauling?

This is...oddly specific.

Go on...

Just like McBain!  But dammit, Sarge, he gets results!

Stop already--you had me at ‘prolonged painful deaths played for laughs’!

I always suspected peak patriotism would somehow involve furry porn.  I’m WAY ahead of the game!

As someone that currently lives in Tennessee but spent a LOT of time in Lexington, those of us that aren’t like this are pretty sick of pointing it out and really ought to just move...

Unfortunately these days the “South” (meaning manifestations of the south like this bullshit) can be found all over.  

Right? Particularly when they’re being given something they’ve been told is a huge honor (and probably grew up wanting to be crowned princess of something). I mean, upper-class white privilege gives them opportunities to participate in racist things that poor white people can only dream of....

It’s just the latest twitter freak out about how racist the country’s history is—as the article states, the weirdest thing about it is it’s always been out there, so who knows why today is the day people are freaking out? Twitter is in ‘one of it’s moods’ it seems. As far as Ms Kemper goes, there’s certainly nothing

Agreed 100%—the clues were there (the whole time!) —my wife and I even mentioned a time or two that “oh I bet that’s important later” at certain scenes that stuck out without the context of knowing the full story. Some of the ‘red herrings’ were a little annoying, as the boyfriend’s reactions now seem pretty well

I’ll give you ‘dour’ but I’m not sure I understand where ‘pompous’ is coming from, and I guess I’m not smart enough to understand what ‘stylistically generic and inoffensive’ even means. Sounds like someone was pre-disposed to hating this before watching a second of it (and HBO in general) but whatever—certainly

It does seem like there’s a paragraph or two missing from the end of this review as yeah, there’s a lot of things not touched on--it’s a pretty detailed show so I suppose that would have been a much longer review, but I agree it feels a tad incomplete as is.

She looks out her back window (patio?) at the party going on in the back of their house, so I think you’re exactly right--and holy God that would be so much worse.

Agreed on all counts--didn’t find it ‘slow and boring’ at all but kind of mesmerizing, in a really depressing way.  I figured within the first minute or so of her introduction that she was the victim, and it truly made her scenes (particularly the few where she smiled) just incredibly heart-breaking.  There’s not a

That, and wanting to escape where they lived, is the answer early in the first episode.

I just finished the first episode and couldn’t agree more—it’s a difficult watch, but man does it look great (this is just a gorgeously shot series so far). I’m going to stick with it, but I just don’t know if I can handle 10 hours that are all this unrelenting.

There are so many crazy implications to the blip that you can really mess with your own mind--as Ajax says, it’s just TOO much to consider all of the issues, starting with the world’s population suddenly doubling just as the world had figured out how to move on with 1/2 the people....

I don’t know why THEY don’t see it, but Showtime is the king of letting series go on about twice as long as they should...

Dammit now I want to see it.