The Bourne Valedictorian

I think you’re probably right about Dr Strange and Harkness being in DS 2....which leads me to be afraid the ending to this may not be very ‘clean’.  Which is fine, I guess, but a bit of a letdown to wait over a year for new Marvel stuff to have it not wrap up after however many episodes.

Ha! That was my vote on the twitter poll of ‘best one-on-one comic fights of all time’—that two issue ‘battle’ between them was a classic!

From the timeline this all seems to be happening just a day or two after the Thanos “Endgame” battle, doesn’t it?  It makes sense that her first thought is of Vision, but not necessarily that everyone else’s first thought is of Wanda, considering they’re all likely in that same boat--either freshly undusted or dealing

They actually mention in “Infinity War” that it’s been a bit since “Civil War” (I forget how much time, but it’s pretty substantial—I believe they state two years)--which would be plenty of time, I would think.  

Endgame has basically been the next moment for her after watching Vision die (twice!) in Infinity War, so I can imagine when she finally got a minute to catch her breath her first thought was of Vision, who obviously had been torn apart years ago.

“a cinematic experience akin to a Marvel movie that’s played out over six 40- to 50- minute episodes” sounds incredible. If “Endgame” had a bathroom break at the top of every hour and it might have been the best movie ever.  Now, if only I didn’t have to wait a week between episodes...

This is only a few days after the funeral, isn’t it?

The “blockiness” of her house as it was forming seemed like a direct callback to the House of M.

I think they may be leaning into the Rambeau “Spectrum” character (from Mighty Avengers #1--yes, I’m that nerdy) as it sure seems like these powers are a bit closer in nature--at least so far--to that rendition of Rambeau.  Either way it was a pretty cool way to power her up.   

Unfortunately it was the first 50% (at least of first seasons).

I thought about the “Darcy knowing a whole lot of specifics” point myself, but I think that’s actually easy to explain with the fact that it’s been 5 years since that happened. Super-hero exploits would have to be huge news, and there have likely been news stories, books, Made-for-TV re-enactments, etc., of that final

I thought her last costume was directly from Roseanne.

According to the timeline it hasn’t been all that long since Endgame, has it? I think everyone so far has made pretty great points about why they’re not there and it’s likely a combination of all those things.

I think her stealing the corpse (after it had been there for five years) means whoever started this whole thing up started it before that moment...

Civil War was fueled by so many morally questionable things from everyone’s past it got a little crazy. Baron Zemo was definitely one of the best thematic villains in the MCU so far (and I’m so glad he’s back for F+WS) and Tony’s dad obviously had some questionable things in his past, etc. Hell, the MCU’s hero’s

I think the commercial being for “Lagos” soap was a subtle reminder of what you’re saying.  I can’t remember it now but I even thought the wording was humorous about cleaning up mistakes.

In any real world the Sakovia Accords would have happened a LONG time before they did in the MCU. Right after one of them first appeared, or at the very least after New York was basically destroyed. Sure, the heroes saved them, but the old argument of ‘escalation’ from Batman Begins holds true here as well—they never

Yeah that looked like pure anger to me as well--I think she’s likely mad that Carol didn’t say goodbye to her mother

Well that’s a cool thing---now I’ll be searching weird collaborations all night!

The Twins were brought back in the comics universe--one of them is on the Young Avengers (maybe both?  Haven’t read them in a while).  With the rumored plans for a Young Avengers movie I have a hard time imagining them creating ready-made heroes just to wipe them out when Westview is inevitably brought down.  What