The Bourne Valedictorian

That was my thought as well—you don’t make such a point of not being able to fix death if it’s not going to mean something later. It’s pretty awesome that they got the Quicksilver from the X-Men universe here—going to be interesting to see if this is a bigger start to bringing in all the X-Men (my guess will be Dr

So science in the MCU is like engineering in Star Trek?  

I’m thoroughly enjoying the pacing and really thought episode 4 was a perfect spot to start pulling back the curtain. I picture it keeping this ‘format’ a bit moving forward—a few more episodes in WandaWorld and then another reveal in time for the two worlds to meet in the last couple of episodes.

HBO MAX has been the absolute worst rollout of a streaming service that I’ve ever seen in my life (since DC Universe, anyway—which makes sense since WB was in charge of both of these and still don’t seem to understand what they have or what their fans want). Half my friends still don’t even understand what it is. I’ve

These people are the worst kind of broken Magic 8-ball whenever it’s pointed out that Hillary and Barack are not currently in jail, and, literally EVERYTHING else that if it were going to happen really should have happened by now but hasn’t....”Time Will Tell”, “We’ll see what the future holds”, “Trust the Plan” “Ask

I think Tori Amos writes all songs in her sleep, though.

I would have seen Hamilton a dozen times by now if it were 1) financially realistic and 2) possible to get tickets. It came to my town, sold out all 20 shows in about 5 minutes (and then those tickets were available online for 10x face value). I entered every possible lottery and don’t think I even got a sniff at

I was curious watching (and you seem like you might know this)—how close were the details? I’m thinking of specifically the scenes where there were VERY close call between ships. I feel pretty certain I’ve read that torpedoes won’t detonate from indirect hits, and that the guns on ships could only be lowered to a

My wife and I discussed this as it was happening--I think there were 4 destroyers total, but you might be right in that there were 3 and then the other designate was a convoy captain (can’t remember them all now, but they were odd names).  I like that they didn’t dumb down any of the lingo, but it made it a bit tough


Crimson Tide had that Tony Scott shine to it—but yeah, great, absolutely ridiculous performances and movie. I also feel like you can go through that movie and precisely edit the scenes where Tarantino ‘punched up’ the dialogue.

It honestly sucked a bit to see Avengers: Endgame knowing I was going to miss a bit due to having to go the bathroom. I don’t honestly know the last time I was awake for 3+ hours that I didn’t go at least once...particularly when there’s a trashcan sized coke I’ve been sipping on for at least one of those hours...

The Dowd review jokes truly never get old.

My wife and I watched it last night and really enjoyed it. It’s tense as all hell and doesn’t really waste much film. Straightforward action film that’s well-directed and just right on the running time (any longer and I might’ve had some sort of fit—it’s very tense).  

Das Bootseses?

OMG they actually filmed some of Lonely Island’s Bash Brothers special in that house!  I mean, that or they recreated the rooms on a set or something, but that seems like a lot of trouble...

Hulu is actually a really good service, though I really hate their layout.  The ‘no ads’ version is fantastic for watching TV Shows and realizing just how much time commercials really take...20 minutes for a sitcom feels weird, but somehow just right.

My biggest complaint with this film is it needed more J.K. Simmons, but that’s my biggest complaint with every film.

I bought every word of Avengers: Endgame no problemo, so this wasn’t an issue for me either haha.

I like that his view changed on sleeping with her once she was stuck with him--and it had consequences that however many times he did before obviously didn’t.  I also like to think his talking about how the stuff you do does start to matter in your head was also pertaining to sleeping with people (along with murder,