The Bourne Valedictorian

Dammit I really need to rewatch 30 Rock. I’ve been binge-watching comedy shows with my 13-year-old (his favorite so far: the first three seasons of Community, but he’s enjoying Scrubs a lot—side note: I genuinely forgot how much they slept together on Scrubs, but boy does it stand out when watching with your

I’ll give you that Source Code is very good, but EoT is borderline great.  I mean, for being batshit crazy Tom Cruise is reliable as all hell, and Emily Blunt was perfect (and a bit of a revelation that is further revealed in Quiet Place).

That montage had me in tears. Until that moment I’d have sworn I could go my whole life without seeing another montage and been just fine, too.

Happy Death Day was so much better than I ever expected it to be--and yes, full credit for actually saying Groundhog Day instead of trying to pretend that movie isn’t a pop culture touchstone.

Yeah I finally realized that at the end with the final interaction of said character--who had possibly been there the longest of them all.

I, too, am a complete sucker for the Time Loop genre.  I’m sure there are terrible ones out there, but everything I can think of at the top of my head has (at the very least) been entertaining, and some of them--like this movie and EoT are borderline great.

To each his own, I guess.  They’re both masterpieces in making you feel bad (or I guess ‘a sense of foreboding’ or something)--I personally preferred Midsommar, but love them both.

You don’t???

The hidden shit in that film (that I had no idea was there until I read articles on it) is truly disturbing.  

That’s the version I saw as well.  Now I have to go look at what the differences are---I imagine it’s a ‘run-time’ thing.  I think most studios are of the mindset that there’s a ‘perfect length’ of certain types of movies, and if any of them look at their watch during a screening then ‘it needs to be trimmed’.  

That’s a pretty solid list of horror films. I don’t entirely agree with them all, even though as much as I personally dislike The Shining I can still recognize that Kubrik is a master filmmaker, and it’s a very well-made film.  I wonder if he’d change one for Hereditary?

Coco doesn’t feel like it’s gotten the accolades it really deserves--such a sweet and engaging story, and some of the best music in all of the Disney films.  It’s in the upper ranks of Pixar movies for me.

That sounds like something a robot would do alright.  Ha--stupid robots!  You’ll never replace people!

Everything that comes out of Billy Dee Williams mouth simply sounds like he wants to have sex with whomever he is speaking to, and a few of their relatives. No need to worry about fixing what aint broken, just let it be and go with it, baby. Now picture Billy Dee having said that last sentence. Hot, right?

The entire movie seemed shoehorned in....somehow.  This is not a good movie, and it seems pretty obvious that J.J. Abrams somehow thought that just having a trilogy was enough that he didn’t need to have a plan for said trilogy.  Just because Lucas’ original trilogy mostly worked itself out doesn’t mean it was a

Great points.  I’ve been amazed at how much people hated this film ever since I saw it. I’ve argued with so many people that at least it was interesting.  NO ONE guessed what was going to happen in this (for better or worse, I suppose)--from Rey being no one to Snoke dying, there were some incredibly brave choices

I saw exactly one preview for it (attached to Frozen II) and it looked utterly terrible.  My kids were not the least bit interested.

I thought he knew about the satellite and was timing his message for when it went by? 

I always thought that was his biggest reason for letting Dan and Laurie live in the book--that there were at least two people alive that recognized what he had done.