The Bourne Valedictorian

Wasn’t Veidt in his 40's in the book? The video was set a few years after the ‘event’ I thought? I’ve only watched it once but I thought he said something about seven years?  He's 80 in present day (from Peteypedia) so they wouldn't have been trying to make him look that young. 

They sure nailed the feel of the comic series. 

That's how I took it as well. He's too used to being paranoid to throw it all out because he saw a video. He definitely seems smart enough (or paranoid enough) to expect danger from anywhere. 

Now this is an interesting theory 

You had me at "lake fetuses"! 

The baby-amoral superhero crossover genre is starting to get disturbingly crowded... 

Having watched them all I think that “House of 1000 Corpses” is the exception rather than the rule, unfortunately.

Judging from his last four albums I’d go ahead and guess whatever he does put out would sound extremely similar to everything else he’s put out.

Inside Man was pretty freakin’ good--nobody ever seems to remember that one is by Spike Lee for some reason.  It’s certainly his most mainstream movie.

I’m a big fan of VI myself--just taking it over the edge and making him an unkillable monster was incredible.

His trailer is probably the best thing he’s put on film.

Fight for your Life is an amazing film.  

I think 31 was the movie that finally convinced me that Rob Zombie is just not a good film-maker. Like, at all. 31 was unwatchable dreck, and this movie is almost as bad. I was intrigued by House of 1000 Corpses, even if I didn’t necessarily like it, I understood the sensibility of it and thought with a little more

There was a pretty long line at the Box Office for this one when it went on sale (that’s where I got my tickets)---mostly because the internet was borked that day, but still

haha I looked this up on my phone (I’d heard rumors, but you know, you have to be sure) and was so relieved to find out this was true.  

Hoduken got the biggest nerd laugh in my theater (and it wasn’t JUST me!).

Yeah it doesn’t even read as a B- review, oddly enough.  I’d personally give it a B+ as it was just so much damn fun.  I’ve never laughed this much in a superhero movie, and I certainly never thought I’d say that about a DC movie...

And there’s several homages to Tawky--I actually thought he might show up in the carnival.  Mr Mind was trippy as hell, though.

Look man, it works like this: