The Bourne Valedictorian

From what I’ve seen in films it’s giant drug-fueled orgy where everyone dresses fabulous, listens to fantastic music, and generally has a great time...until they catch AIDS and die.  I haven’t really watched any movies since the 80's though, so that may not be accurate?  

Point Break, Con Air, Aquaman--lots of very entertaining and watchable movies I’d give give a C+ without even thinking about it.  And I liked/loved every one of them.

They do, but only in short-form updates via snapchat and twitter.

This was all such a weird idea anyway—I mean, who the hell cares about Andy Warhol anymore? Is Burger King trying to corner the retro-hipster movement? All 50 or so of them?  

He was waiting--the look of pure resigned “goddammit he’s going to do it again” on his face is priceless.  I mean, he’s correcting him before he finished mis-pronouncing it.

Period movies with objectively bad hair are so damn distracting when I know what everyone in the movie looks like.  Based on that scene alone I will hate every second that isn’t Freddy Mercury on screen.  

Like the old saying goes: “In front of every famous woman there’s a man whose more famouser, therefore the famous woman doesn’t really have to do anything anymore if she doesn’t want to”

Seriously--if she’d stop bringing it up people would probably forget she was even in it!  How is that not a win for her?

Is this two movie titles, or some weirdly-named sequel to Half-Baked that I’ve never heard of?

Replicas was so astoundingly bad I’m astonished it was released. I mean, it was just HORRIBLE.  One “upside” to the whole AMC A-list thing is that I don’t feel the least bit bad about walking out of a shit movie if I’ve already seen enough to cover my costs. I walked out of Replicas halfway through, got on my phone

Well...Only movies by Terrence Malick.

The subtext in this picture is truly disturbing.

Anytime a Prime shipment is late e-mail customer service and include a screen-shot of the “guaranteed” date. They’ll tack on another month of Prime as an apology.

Well Starz should be easy, since (from the sound of it) American Gods won’t be coming back...

But it’s never been a question of “will they fix it?”, only a question of “how?” These movies (Spider-Man and Black Panther) were both announced before the last Avengers even came out. While it would have been ballsy for Marvel to not announce ANYTHING for dates after Avengers, it also would have been silly, since

Look, skip all the hoo-ha and he said, she said and get to showing me rich people suffering already.

I think the only people that didn’t already know this are people without kids.

I don’t have time for all that!  Can’t you just tell me?

I still don’t understand why they don’t go ahead and do Wicked. THAT’s the one I would have picked for Spielberg. This may be good, but I’m not holding out a lot of hope that it will be (the original is my favorite musical ever).

I’d love to see this be a “stoners grow up, do rehab, survive heart attacks and deal” movie and just shock the shit out of everyone. Figure there’s about zero chance of that, but Smith has shown talent before...