The Bourne Valedictorian

It's honestly not a bad film at all. Definitely a B-Movie vibe but with an A-list cast. The dude from Moonlight is the real deal. And Sandra Bullock was actually kind of perfect in this. Malkovich was a pleasant surprise, though I'm convinced he was just playing himself. It's better Tham most January - February movie

I'm bad and I should feel bad for laughing at stupid people. Wait--blind people. Or something. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS ARTICLE MAKING FUN OF?? 

I was genuinely surprised Sorry to Bother You wasn’t on here. I kept assuming it was just further down the list.

This series has been an absolute blast—Cates is certifiable, and it’s really cool that the market is responding to that. He said in an interview when asked about creating Cosmic Ghost Rider that Marvel was pretty much “wow, that’s crazy—sure, go for it” and let him do whatever he wanted.  Between this and Venom he’s

This series has been an absolute blast—Cates is certifiable, and it’s really cool that the market is responding to that. He said in an interview when asked about creating Cosmic Ghost Rider that Marvel was pretty much “wow, that’s crazy—sure, go for it” and let him do whatever he wanted.  Between this and Venom he’s

This series has been an absolute blast—Cates is certifiable, and it’s really cool that the market is responding to that. He said in an interview when asked about creating Cosmic Ghost Rider that Marvel was pretty much “wow, that’s crazy—sure, go for it” and let him do whatever he wanted.  Between this and Venom he’s

I would assume that a lot more people will watch this than the documentary. It's a shame, but it's the world. I would be okay if it were just reenactments of the documentary if millions of people went to see it. The world could use that I think. 

a crass, loud, flavorfully dumb action distraction that gets by largely on attitude”--sounds like a winner to me!  ...and pretty much everything I want from a  Predator movie.

Eh, at the rate the news is going I’ll have read the whole thing by the end of the day, one story at a time...

Honestly—this is genuinely, impressively stupid. Like, new levels of stupid, even for the internet. Kudos to you sir.

Apparently you never actually watched the show to begin with, since this never happened.  

Man did I love this issue (not all of it, of course, but I mostly liked all of it, and loved parts of it, including the overallfeel” of it). The writer is not kidding about the beauty of that first panel. I must have just checked out the detail of that page alone for a good five minutes, even though I really wanted

Yeah that Fantastic Four #1 was pretty terrific. Seems like Slott will be a great choice for that (which I probably wouldn’t have guessed). At it’s heart the best issues of the FF were the ones that dealt with family matters (which Brad Bird knew all too well when he developed the best FF movie ever made...) and this

I find myself getting hooked on the British and Australian shows they keep adding. Many of those are surprisingly good.

I agree with the Luke points--there’s arguments to be made either way, but settling on “he dropped out after failing” , while in character, still is a difficult direction to reconcile.  I will say I found him far more interesting in this film than any other, so I was okay with the decision.

Is that what he says in ANH?  It’s been a while since I’ve watched it, but I really took it to mean he just thought it was parlor tricks--doesn’t mean he hasn’t seen it, just means he didn’t believe it.  As I said though--I don’t remember the exact line.

My 11-year-old has watched all of the Clone Wars and Rebels episodes, so he had to fill me in Darth Mauls history.  Still, that moment got some confused noises, then cheers in my theater.  Didn’t bug me too much, though, yeah, I was doing some “what the fuck” brain searching for a minute or two myself.  For a moment I

My disappointment with Watchmen started the second Adrian and the Comedian are having the fight in his apartment and they started punching through concrete. It was especially crushing after that amazing title sequence. How can anyone who claims to love the source as much as Snyder did completely miss that the point of

The whole movie was a giant helping of thin gruel and I ate every. fucking. bite. It was pretty much exactly what I wanted, expected, and I was totally entertained by it--from the James Bond opening to the “lazy writing” clean-up during the credits.   Deadpool’s always been self-aware, so you can’t be too surprised by

Right?  And he’s totally not listed in the credits (though I did think it was a fairly easy call that it would be something along those lines when Vanisher was revealed--still, funny as hell though).