The Bourne Valedictorian

That song during the action scene had me laughing like a lunatic once it registered what they were actually saying

I laughed my ass off all the way through it, and really loved all the comic-insider stuff throughout the film.  “Some guy that can’t draw feet!” got a genuine guffaw out of me and one or two other dorks in the theater, but I was totally okay with that.

Sorry—not sure which of the lines you’re referring to so I’ll just cover them both—the “I know” line is in Cloud City—as Han is being lowered into the freezing chamber Leia says “I love you”—and Han’s reply is “I know.” Earlier in Empire she refers to him as a “stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking,

Like I said: I understand why others didn’t.

But it doesn’t look as bad from Luke’s point of view, and when he describes it he says it’s a moment of weakness.  Pretty much less of a reaction but in the same ball park as how he reacts to Vadar telling him he’s going to turn Leia.  His acting emotionally and moments of weakness were an established character

Haha I have a four-day beard going right now, and just today looked in the mirror and said “who’s scruffy looking?” so I’m in the club as well.

Right?  One of my favorite things in Star Wars history is the old behind the scenes clip of Harrison Ford bitching to Lucas about how clunky the dialogue is in Star Wars--don’t remember the exact wording but it was something along the lines of “George, you can type this shit, but you can’t say it!”

“I know” was a pretty great line, even before you know the story to how it came to exist.

I think if you look at it from the angle of being Thanos story (with a quest, obstacles, sacrifices and conclusion) the dramatic arc becomes a little clearer—it just belonged to Thanos. I liked that about it, but I certainly understand why others didn’t.

Yeah I never understand why people are confused by this. They intentionally show us both points of view of that interaction, and the people that think it’s out of character for Luke seem to deliberately be choosing Ben’s version as the correct version.

 Huh? I disagree with other people’s opinions all the time.

Pretty much that guy is the only person that claims to love them all I think. I mean, I don’t HATE the prequels like other people, but there are large chunks of each that are difficult to watch. I did appreciate how they added to the lore, though. III was actually a decent film.

I’d put the two neck-and-neck.  I loved them both--the darker tone of each appealed to me.

Yeah it was an odd review--I mean, I understood his point, but I just can’t imagine anyone going into Infinity War “blind” (so to speak)---I get that movies should be able to exist in a vacuum and stand on their own legs, but that rule just doesn’t apply to Infinity War.  Such a big movie it re-wrote the rules on

Haha you’re right—totally forgot it exists (and I’ve never seen it—that one looked pretty bad from the trailers).

1) too many and 2) I have no idea—they are pretty much representative of everything wrong with the world today.


The only one to this day that I truly enjoyed was the Age of Apocalypse, but mostly because it genuinely seemed like the writers had a blast re imagining everything.  Not all the side books were great, but they were all pretty solid, told a complete story, and at the end of the day didn’t affect much of anything

Yeah and that’s a total shame about Aaron--his crime stuff (Punisher, Scalped) was just phenomenal reading.  Marvel has always had a terrible habit of taking popular writers and assigning them to things without taking time to realize WHY those writers were popular to begin with.  That or they just made Bendis write

Hey—The Blob has been around since the beginning of the X-Men! He is also literally the only example I can think of, other than some really, really huge woman that was on an old (original run) Alpha Flight cover and was basically a one-off.