The Bourne Valedictorian

This more than anything--it’s not superhero fatigue, it’s shit-superhero movie fatigue.  Huge difference.

Yep--it was really, really bad, but relatively cheap to make and did well enough that they’re doing a sequel.  

I know the review says B-, but it reads like A material to me.  I wouldn’t expect a Deadpool movie to be anything other than a scattershot (HA!) throw-everything-and-see-what-sticks type of movie, because so was the first one.  I barely remember the plot of it--who cares?  Funny (and even not-so-funny) super hero

I turned on captioning to catch a lot of what Delos was saying , too. The bit he’s whispering about “seeing all the way to the bottom” when they first walked in was very fascinating as well. Comes in very handy on this show sometimes. The whole “you’re looking in the wrong direction” thing was still very confusing

I have to carefully watch the “previously on...” segments--in this show they’re almost vital since they can drop back to a few seasons ago in a heartbeat.  

I’ve been very impressed with him this season.  Playing it well enough to genuinely believe that maybe he has always been aware something wasn’t right, but was just always caught up in his own stuff too much to notice...until now.

Yeah he really did seem suspicious of her--I like that not everyone she tries things with is a patsy.

Elizabeth has easily been the villain of the “just doing her job variety” for most of the series, while Phillip has done his best to be the moral center and watch out for his family at the same time.  Just because she believes she’s doing these things for the right reasons it doesn’t make it so, and the things she’s

It’s 100% possible to love your country AND wish it could be better. I would think most Americans would actively work towards this (though I do know that’s not very realistic).

“Eh, what the fuck are they gonna do about it?”--FX, probably

That’s what I got from it as well.  She thought this mission might be the end and wanted her last words to her son to be something good....and realized she doesn’t know him at all while she was talking to him.

It sure looked like Stan was in their garage though, didn’t it? I thought that might be where it was going when they mentioned the garages in the exposition scene with Stan.

I said to my wife when that outfit came on that they really nailed the wardrobe for the time period. Pretty sure my girlfriend had that exact outfit.


Won’t ever happen, but I’d be crazy excited if it did.

I get what you’re saying but I have to disagree with your point a bit--of course they won’t stay dead.  This is a comic book movie and to it’s credit (for me, at least, though a lot of others seem to point at this as a failure of the film) it plays a LOT like the epic events in any major crossover in the comics.  Huge

I’ve never uncomfortably laughed so hard in my life just because a penis was on screen for a very, very long (HA) amount of time...

I guess not everyone will agree, then, because I thought it really worked to the film’s benefit.  An epic story but it feels like everyone gets the right amount of screen time.  There are some huge laughs in this--I would watch a Thor/Guardians crossover in a heartbeat.