The Bourne Valedictorian

I was really marveling (HA!) at how well the CGI looked--especially on Thanos.  The details are particularly stunning in some of the quieter moments.

The CGI in this is light-years better than Justice League.  This movie was much better all the way around, but it’s really kind of amazing how badly Justice League botched the effects in particular.

How they gave everyone (except Hawkeye, of course) a moment that fit them was pretty amazing.

I just watched this entire show (for the first time) in the past three weeks. I’ve been going back and reading the reviews now—I was too worried about spoilers to do it as I was binge-watching. I haven’t commented on anything yet—reliving some of these episodes through the reviews and comments has been interesting.

It’s so standard in any movies like this that it seems odd to me anyone’s even making a big deal about it.

I’d be afraid to drink as I just know I’d have to pee, and I hate missing parts of a movie.

Are we still entirely sure this isn’t a sequel to “Life”?  Because if it isn’t it sure seems like it should have been...

Deadpool’s credits set the tone amazingly well for the rest of the movie. And they’re hilarious (though some of the jokes are big whiffs, but like Airplane! there’s so many that the ones that land, land pretty well).

That is EASILY the most frustrating part of that film--it’s directed by a guy that obviously admires it, but doesn’t understand it.  It came SO close to getting it right, too.  Visually it’s pretty stunning, though.

He probably just saw the marquee outside and thought “Oh I’ve been in that before” and just wandered onstage...

Agreed. I’ll (likely half-) watch it out of curiosity to see how it turns out, but almost all the songs I skip when they come up on Pandora anymore.

This is the first one I’ve really enjoyed. The audience in this particular show is (many times) part of the production. I’ve seen it live a few times and the “rock show” portion is greatly encouraged at some of them. This one was obviously going for that affect so it didn’t bother me at some points. The moments with

Cooper actually played the role on stage in several productions around that time.

Agreed 100%--this is Judas’ show to lose.  He’s the pivotal role and BVD did a great job with it.  You’re also spot on about him being an octave or so lower (in key, but lower) than I’m used to, but I wasn’t sure if that was range or artistic interpretation.  Overall it didn’t bother me a bit, but did throw me off

That was actually my biggest disappointment—the council scenes. Ciaphas HAS to hit the low end to make that song work and he just didn’t. The costumes looked cool, though.  Oh--and Judas just KILLED it.  Thought he was the best part of the show, which is good since it’s the pivotal role.

That Rik Mayall version is my absolute favorite portrayal of that role! He just kills it.

Considering the NHL doesn’t seem to know the interference rules half the time then they’re wise to just not have them.

That’s just a requirement of moving to Nashville.  We’ll still let him play long as the song is decent, of course.

As a Preds fan I’ve been excited about this kid since the draft. Of course at this point after all this hype if he doesn’t score 5 goals a game it’s going to be a disappointment...

Haha “Man, Nazis are dicks!  What’s up with that?”