The Bourne Valedictorian

This actually sounds far less rage-inducing than the “live version” cash-grabbing tripe they’ve been foisting on us these last few years.

Prison Rape!  The Acceptable Rape!

“I’m not the same person I once was!”

I was going to say the same thing. I’ve been a part of paid research panels before, and every now and then I’ll get an “alternate” position. I get paid the same amount (or more, sometimes, if it’s for overlapping panels) to just sit around in case someone for the panel doesn’t show up as the people that actually have

Come on though--if there were ever a guy you’d just assume came to work under the influence it’s got to be Seth Rogan. I mean, shame on them for hiring him without acknowledging there might be a price to pay.  I can only assume TJ Miller is the same way.

Eh, it’s a way to avoid complaints about not having enough content. And really, every movie and TV production company has shit like this on their record. HBO (which is essentially what Netflix is at this point) makes quite a few originals and they’re hardly all classics. I think as long as Netflix (just like HBO has

Ah yes, Prison rape--the acceptable rape!

“Magnises”  sounds like it should be the name for a penis-enlargement product.

“and Stormy Daniels as herself”

It’s like in a courtroom drama where the judge is all “the jury is instructed to ignore everything they just heard” (which I have serious doubts about ever actually happening in a real court room)--they can’t do that man!  The human brain doesn’t work that way!

Back when she talked no one actually gave a shit if he cheated on his wife with a porn star or not. Now that he’s President of course everyone would like more details. They were smart to try and get ahead of it, but dumb in the execution apparently...

I feel pretty sure she’s trying to get all this voided so she can cash in on a much bigger payday than the original $125k.  Speaking of which....even if it is voided she’ll likely be on the hook for paying the money back, won’t she?  How does something like that work?

Counterpoint: New England loses the Superbowl.

The really strange thing about this the fuck did they miss “Wargames” and “Monty Python and the Holy Grail?” I mean, those are two heavily referenced in-the-fucking-book movies. Someone needs to get slapped for this, possibly with a fish.

Kinja is actively trying to break us, that’s for sure.  “Here’s a new comment system designed to make you feel old, since you’ll have no idea how it works no matter how tech-savvy you are!”

I found the Narnia allegories to start off light enough that, yeah, they’re there, but you can ignore them easily enough....until the last few books, which sure felt like auditions for missing chapters of the Bible.

Too many fantasy novels are missing the “good lord this seems like a pain in the ass amount of work” angle to them.

He genuinely makes everything he’s in better.  Even films I hated I enjoyed his performance in--Revolutionary Road I’m looking at you (and even Man of Steel).  He’s just a damn good actor.

Oh man, I remember “Rolling Thunder” as one of these, and boy do I love that movie! REVENGE OF CRAZY HOOK HAND!!! It was like Death Wish and The Deer Hunter rolled into one giant ball of crazy.

I literally always picture him working as “ The Bear Jew directs movies! With a bat!”