The Bourne Valedictorian

Right?  I mean, maybe if it were just insane over-compensation to stop the rumors or something is the only way I can get this to even make sense in my head.

What?  And give up show business?

This is the kind of shit the internet was invented for.  Just brilliant.

So, yeah, um....what the actual fuck does “a very yeasty environment” even mean?  

Yeah the question wasn’t “do you live your life in fear of burning to death” it was “are you afraid of fire”---two completely different questions, both with reasonable answers.  Talk about moving the goalposts.

I like the director’s sensibilities when it comes to filmmaking, but I hated his last animated movie, mostly for the visuals, and I’m pretty sure I’ll hate this one too for the same reason.

Anyone calling it Rand probably hasn’t read it.

I completely agree—RP1 is the only thing I’ve read by Cline and I certainly wouldn’t call it great literature by any means, but as far as an escapist fantasy for nerds that grew up in the 80's it could have been a lot worse.

That is EXACTLY what happens in Last Starfighter.

Goddammit bring back the Fantastic Four.  

I had no idea until just now that there could be more than one definition of “cookie monster”

It’s funny—individually I’m not sure any one actor is to blame (an argument could be made that Vaughn was miscast), but as a whole that was not a great season of TV. It’s biggest fault, of course, is that it followed season one, and that was a GREAT season of TV.


Fight Club, Panic Room, hell—even Alien 3 all had perfectly fine endings. Gone girl ended like the book, the “Girl that was from another country and did shit in three books that I can’t remember the name of” also followed the book pretty closely IIRC.  SE7EN’s ending is one of the all time great movie endings.

I quite enjoyed it, up until the nonsense ending. The fact that everything in it was conceivable, scary and tonally perfect made that bullshit “throw him off the roof from a very high building onto an exact spot” ending so hard to swallow I remember being pissed when I saw it. It felt pretty clearly tacked-on and

Ugh.  I hate Illinois nazis.

Surely after his entire body of idiotic-Black-Panther statements you’re rethinking this stance a bit?  I mean, it has to make you question what you thought about earlier statements, doesn’t it?  His posts were a little crazy and pretty racist.  Unless you’re related to someone like that and put up with it because you

Way ahead of you!

This is actually a major plot-point of the film.

Aw, I made you stroke out---and not in the way you’re used to.  I wasn’t expecting any sort of cohesive rebuttal, but I was expecting an attempt.   This is sad, even for you--and that’s saying a LOT.