The Bourne Valedictorian

Oh you poor thing. Maybe next time instead of masturbating through the movies you should actually pay attention to what’s happening:

Yeah!  Or other Magical Mary Sues like Luke in Star Wars or Neo in the Matrix!  Or Bruce Willis in Die Hard!  Or Indiana Jones, you probably don’t get the point here anyway, so I’m just going to stop, but this list could have been very, very long.

Right—Sorry if I wasn’t clear, I was actually agreeing with you and commenting on idiot boy’s “Mary Sue” comment, and that most that feel that way seem to have “their own stupid definitions.”


By their own stupid definitions then Neo from the Matrix and Luke Skywalker were the ultimate Mary Sues.  Indiana Jones not far behind with all the ridiculous shit he managed to pull off over those four movies.

I actually like the Winter hiatus’---to me it’s far better than either trying to squeeze out 23 episodes where clearly some of them are filler, or showing a bunch of reruns (which is what the shows that don’t go on hiatus over the holidays actually do).  They give me time to catch up on the things I haven’t had a

TMP sure established that with the 30-minute “Kirk looks at the new Enterprise with total awe” sequence.

This whole thing was....fine? I guess? I mean, it wasn’t that good overall, but it sure did look expensive. Really every episode had top-notch set design, and special effects—every episode just looked amazing. Overall the show itself wasn’t that good, but there’s some promise here and not a ton of fixing is needed to

I’m with you. I don’t care about all the continuity stuff I just want a good Star Trek show. Don’t get me wrong—I have questions. The natural kind of questions that would come up just because they decided to make a new Star Trek show. Really, though, I just want the show to be good. Unfortunately, this one really

Sorry to be a pain, but what is “TMP”?  The Motion Picture is all I could come up with but I can’t make that make sense in my head.

I’m not sure I agree with that though--he seemed to me to fall into the same hate spiral that McDormand’s character was in, and they were both happy to go there at the end (though they were at least starting to question their decisions).  I’m not sure that just because they found a kinship with each other he could be

And that seventh billboard?   Benjamin Franklin.


Haha I knew as soon as you said fighter pilot it was Amazing Stories--I think it was the very first episode as well.

“Aw, he feels bad for murdering that guy...I should go sit with him.”

I noticed it, but only because at that point it was kind of a marvel (heh) at how bad ALL of the effects in Justice League were.  The whole thing was “muddy” looking, but Steppenwolf in particular looked terrible.  At that point it was all standing out, and yeah his face looks weird in several close-up scenes at the

To be fair it would have been a better Alien film than most of the recent ones, too.

Okja” and “Beasts of no Nation” were both excellent. And yeah I thought “The Babysitter” was just a goofy blast.  I also really liked “Hush”--I mean, considering the number of movies they’ve produced their ratio doesn’t seem any worse than most movie studios.

The Babysitter was a pretty perfect trash B-movie.  I loved the hell out of it while knowing how terrible it was the whole time.  

“Eh, I would save the world but, you know, I have kids and they need to be fed and shit”