The Bourne Valedictorian

Ben Solo doesn’t count?

Oh man I’m with you---and the worst part is I totally get why everyone hated it, but I’m such a 12-year-old at heart that the overwhelming joy of seeing Indy again pretty much over-powered the annoyance of the monkeys and CGI and what not.  I definitely don’t argue with people about it though (although I will swear to

Well said. I mostly loved this, but hated a bit or two, but man trying to explain that to people and they just go crazy. I saw the original Star Wars in the theater 12 times (I was 8—talk about target audience) and have seen every one of them since in a theater at least once, and several of them multiple times. There

It is right at 110 minutes (there were no previews at the sneak preview I saw, so that’s the movie-only running time) without credits.  I didn’t stay for an after credit tag (it was a school night) so I’m not sure.  Usually I search on my phone when the credits start, but I haven’t heard there’s one (and if there is I

Yeah that’s my take on it too--if there’s one lesson to be learned from the prequels it’s that we don’t need to know the villains backstories.  

Ugh...they tried that shit with the Emperor and Vader and Boba Fett and learning their backstories made them ALL weaker as villains. If there’s one thing we’ve learned from Star Wars it’s STOP TELLING THE VILLAINS’ BACKSTORIES. No way is it better than what you imagine it is. LET THE PAST DIE.

“Hey Leia, let me show you something real quick in case you’re ever in space and blown out an airlock or something. After that I’ll teach you how to force punch a dude in the nuts in case he gets too ‘handsy.’”

I’ve seen it twice, and his hair color in that scene really threw me off the first time ( I was all “did he stop for some ‘just for men’ before he got there or what?”) but the second time I realized he’s projecting himself the way Kylo saw him last--no grey hair.  He looks like that in every one of his flashbacks

Let me introduce you to my friend Boba...

Got to see a preview of this tonight with my 11-year-old and I have to say this review is pretty spot-on. It’s harmless, popcorn fun, that’s aimed probably more at my son than me. He really enjoyed it. I laughed a few times (Kevin Hart is funny throughout, but Black gets the biggest laughs, and of course the Rock is

At the end he’s projecting himself the way Kylo remembered him. My first time watching it really threw me off that his grey hair was gone. The second time I realized that’s the way Kylo last saw him--he looks the same as he did in the flashbacks with Kylo (and seeing him as having not aged since then would definitely

yeah....buuuuut...the movie pretty well establishes he knew she was there before he hesitated to fire, so obviously he can sense her.

I LOVED this movie, and absolutely hated the Leia moment.  I’ll accept that she could do it (she’s a Skywalker after all) but you have to establish something that says she knows a bit about the force.  Any small moment would have been fine, but to jump from nothing to super space survivor was a little much.  Again,

But on the other hand: DARTH MAUL WAS AWESOME.  So there’s that.

I didn’t catch that the kid uses the force to pull the broom to him until my second watch. It’s so very subtle, but such a nice little moment.

I think that bit was more important to Finn’s character, since he literally has been on both sides. Where Del Toro is telling him “they’re the same” Finn has to decide for himself that they’re not, and choose which side he actively wants to support.

Totally--I agree with the article (and was actually discussing this very thing with someone earlier) but what a stupid headline.

Ackbar’s voice actor died (I believe) before filming.  From what I understand they used a pre-recorded line for his one line in the movie, but out of respect for the voice actor didn’t add anymore.

Here’s what I loved about how Snoke was dealt with: every single time we’ve learned any sort of details about a villains origin in Star Wars it has taken away from them as a villain. The prequels were basically how Darth Vader became Darth Vader, and....well, you know. Emperor Palpatine? Learning how he became