The Bourne Valedictorian

I’m in my late 40's and saw the original Star Wars in the theater 8 times during it’s first theatrical run, and another dozen since (I was pretty much the target audience I think).  My oldest son was 8 when TFA came out and was on the edge of his seat the whole time.  He was the exact same with this one.  We talked

I am not convinced Phasma is dead at all.  

Seeing it the second time I was amazed at the clues from the get-go that he wasn’t really there. I was thrown the first time by how dark his beard was. When I was able to see it again it’s obvious he’s projecting himself as Kylo would remember him (since his hair and beard are darker in every flashback). Then the shot

I’ve seen it twice too---both times were the same as yours, though they were both followed by a huge round of applause (not by me--it’s cool and all and I love it when a crowd’s that into a movie, but I’ve never done it myself.  I’d feel silly.  I was, however, grinning like an idiot).

Admiral Ackbar’s voice actor died either before or very early into filming.  

I did question why it suddenly dawned on her after they’d slowly blown up a good third of the fleet or reminded me of the first order officer at the beginning when they mention they should have scrambled their fighters “five minutes ago”.

I’ve seen it twice now, and was frustrated the first time by her just not telling him what the plan was. Watching the second time I realized he was being such an asshole that she might have been thinking of telling him, but no self-respecting person in charge would let a subordinate speak like that, particularly in

You do you buddy. I get what you’re saying. I enjoyed TFA more than you mostly because it just felt like ‘Star Wars’ again. I get your issues with Rogue One (though I quite liked it). But this movie is better than either of those.

F all of that.  I’m taking my kids, but no way was I waiting even until the weekend for me to see it.  You’ll want to see it again, but there has to be rules on what movies get waited for and what movies don’t.  Star Wars and the next Avengers movie are the only ones that come to mind for me, but still.  

It really, really is a beautiful film. Some of the imagery in this is just stunning.

It is amazingly well done.  Adam Driver is just terrific in this.

Yeah--I was confused by that watching but I guess that whole planet is rock and crystal formations, huh?  It was really cool looking.

There are definitely “shades” of Empire in this (the Luke parallel being the most obvious) but it definitely goes in unpredictable directions.  

How is there no spoiler space for this???  Saw it last night and was just amazed.  So very, very good.

That is one issue here that the comics dealt with (relatively) quickly--in four comics you learn the answers to most of the questions here pretty fast.  They’re sticking pretty closely to the plot (with some fleshing out, obviously) but suffice to say everything questioned here does get answers.  I will say that,

Oh yeah--That seems vaguely familiar.  Is it the whisperers storyline that’s right after the jump?  Or is it after that?

That episode in particular is one of my favorite episodes of TV.

Season 2 was my favorite (“International Assassin”  was so tragic/funny/mindblowing that it’s in my top 20 of best TV episodes of all time) but season 3 is not far behind.

Everything needs more Janet.  If they’d done a bottle episode of attempts to kill Janet and all the things she’s programmed to do to stop those attempts I might explode.  Maybe my favorite moment of any episode this season.  The way Ted Danson stops after the “I’m pregnant and it’s yours!” line and you can see he’s

I’m right there with you.  I’m not quite to the actively “hate-watching” point, but I’m certainly to the “paying less attention than not” point with this show.  I record it, I turn it on, start surfing the web and occasionally look up to see what’s happening.  It’s frustrating and I’m sure at some point I’ll come to