The Bourne Valedictorian

Yeah--I usually wait a year or so then catch up all at once.  It moves a lot faster that way.  Typically that’s what I do with this show too, but I pay so little attention to it anymore the thought of having to fast-forward through a few hours worth of them seems to daunting.  Better to have it chip away at my soul

Personally I think it’s time for the ol’ time-jump.  This show needs to move ahead.  Perhaps three years?  Long enough to establish cities and leadership and focus on long-term re-settling the land kind of stuff.  That’s really the only way I could even see this show moving on.  Clearly the “walk, stall, kill zombies,

I actually thought the garbage-folk bugging out at the first sign of trouble was the most realistic thing about this episode.  Nope’d right the fuck out, and why wouldn’t they?  Rick clearly had no idea what was going on.  

Right?  It seemed like five main ones, a few grunts, and a bunch of workers.  Now they seem to have a few hundred grunts....where the fuck were those guys when the zombies overran the building?

That’s essentially all I use it for anymore.  It’s the easiest way to share pictures with my family members.  After the latest election I vowed I just wasn’t going to post or respond to political crap anymore.  That’s made my life so much easier.

Hopefully at least a screenplay nomination, though Stewart absolutely gave an outstanding performance in that one.  I don’t think Hollywood is ready to legitimize comic book movies like that yet, though.

The Good Place not being nominated is a travesty.  Maybe the funniest show on TV right now.

I have to agree.  I thought it actually gave ANH more weight, seeing what had to happen to get the plans.


Yeah---you got it, Ice.

Right?  I thought it was insane they were even attempting to do this--but it’s actually better than the comic (which didn’t entirely work for me, though I’m a big fan of Morrison).

I personally loved it.  Having read the entire series my opinion of it was much like yours--I got what he was going for, but it didn’t quite work on paper.  I recorded this as I was intrigued by the casting.  It follows the series surprisingly closely (fleshes out a few scenes) and some of the dialogue is straight

I have to agree with Janet.  I’d rather go down doing the right thing than letting it go because we need his senate seat.  

Liberalism? Where I live it’s typically the local religious types that post this kind of nonsense, and they would take great offense to being referred to as  liberals...

Totally agree. I wasn’t prepared for how long it would be, and I honestly wouldn’t have cared if it had just been good. It was not. At all. There wasn’t a finished song in the entire thing, the dialogue and plot were fairly stupid (and, if I’m not mistaken, contradict the movie) and it looked SO cheap. Couple that

I didn’t know about the short or would have seriously re-thought when I was going to take my kids to see this. In hindsight my AMC theater was genuinely being kind by only showing three previews and no commercials at all before it started. I was honestly confused by that when it started, but now I think I need to send

I wish I’d known about it before taking my kids to an 8:00 showing...that didn’t let out until 10:15 thanks to this (really BAD) “short.”  I was annoyed at not getting a Pixar short, since they’re generally good to great and actually short.  My 5-year-old daughter couldn’t handle the length of both.  She actually

Any movie that can use the term “Thundercunt” as magnificently as Spy simply can’t be a bad movie.  And Statham was probably my favorite part--who knew he was so funny?

They’ve actually published a video on Veritas twitter feed....that’s heavily edited.  The dumbest part is the Post was also recording, and immediately put up the unedited video.  The Veritas guy SAW the other camera, so it really baffles me that they decided to go ahead and post the video anyway.  Eh, maybe it

Really?  I’m confused by this, since the movie was basically the trailer but longer...