The Bourne Valedictorian

I don’t know--wasn’t Thor 2's box office disappointing (you know, just like the movie)?  I think they needed the Hulk reveal to get butts in seats, frankly.

Totally agree--the Hulk reveal is easily the best part of the trailer.  Honestly after the first two Thor’s I think they needed something like that to insure people were interested.  The best parts of the Hulk aren’t in the trailer anyway, so it was a really smart choice on their part.

Pretty sure those guys all admit guilt in their own memoirs don’t they? Sounds like the secret to get ahead of it is to party like a crazy-person, sleep with everyone, then write a book about it. Oh, and be famous. That last part is probably most important.

In this day and age?  Most likely.

It will be just like the attractive teachers that bang their students—people will be all “oh why are they complaining? Those men loved every minute of it!”

Ironically I think one of Louis C.K.’s funniest jokes (and truest) is his bit about how men are far and away the worst thing for women.

Unexpected Bing Bong sadness is the worst Bing Bong sadness.

So help me if you put the whammy on him with this I will hunt you down.  I mean, at some point there has to be a line of “I don’t even want to know” (previously known as “The Cosby Line”).

The timing of this comment directly below the one talking about what an asshole Mr Rogers was is astounding.

So he’s an egg-thief now is he?  It just gets worse and worse!

We were all onto Santa a long time ago....”sit on my lap” indeed

“You know what?  This is pretty bad, but I feel positive it could be worse.  Zack?  SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!”

There is no question this is the best.

Yeah, but the Thor article was a pretty silly take, since the movie likely did better by featuring the Hulk as much as they did in the previews.  It certainly upped my interest-level.

“Welp, dark didn’t work, lighter isn’t working--there’s only one place left to go.  MADCAP ABSURDIST COMEDY!!!  MONTY PYTHON PRESENTS THE JUSTICE LEAGUE 2!”

Hadn’t they already started Suicide Squad 2 as well?

Nailed it exactly. They’re bullshit, but they’re bigger piles of bullshit on a full-priced game. If this were release as F2P straight up then people wouldn’t have had as big a problem with it since you expect those games to have paywalls or incredibly long farming periods required. But to charge full price (or more

Something like Eve Online, but set in the Star Wars universe. Create a setting and some basic character types and species, but make it entirely player driven and open universe, with inhabited planets. I’d love to see what that kind of game could become.

C- would mean better.