The Bourne Valedictorian

That DOES sound better than how I watched it.

Snyder is the guy with great ideas that he ought to just hand off to someone else. Watchmen was so frustrating. I respect that he got it on screen, but I’m still so incredibly disappointed by his lack of understanding of the source material.

I’ve always been lucky when it comes to killin’ folks.

Why, pray tell, would that exist?

The story I’ve read is that the whole joke is a callback to earlier dialogue in the film that was later cut.

If you’re about to say something bad about Firefly you may want to make sure you’re not on an account you care about first.

Hulk vs Hulkbuster was hands down the best sequence of the movie. I queue up that bit to watch all the time.

The fall from grace is really a damn shame, as Spacey is seriously one hell of an actor.

This is a pretty good description of the new Star Trek series as well.

According to the commercials during the live sports I see (which are seemingly the only commercials I see anymore) there is a new Star Wars movie coming out. And that’s all.

Thank you—so many people blow a gasket over the RT aggregate scores. I agree they should be refined because a mildly decent review seems to count the same as a great review, but overall it really is just a gauge of how many reviewers liked it as opposed to didn’t like it, even if they just sorta liked it.

I was genuinely wondering what the hell this magazine was about.

Stupid Disney “not-as-good-as-the-cartoon-but-screw-it-they-make-truckloads-of-money” live action movie cash machine.

You’re the worst really went off the rails this season. Whoever had the bright idea of separating the two leads needs to be fired immediately. If they’re so afraid they’re going to run out of story then plan an end point and end it.

Which is odd, considering Hulu is built around ads...

BvS ranks 53rd in all-time box office worldwide. Probably not what they were hoping for, but not too shabby really. For the DC verse it’s only behind the last two Nolan Batman films on that list.

Right? How do you fuck up a concept as inherently cool as the Dark Universe?

Eh, two hours of him failing the same spell over-and-over might be more realistic, but sounds soooo boring. I’ll take a training montage (especially when you know the outcome) any day of the week. Though admittedly I ALWAYS have the South Park “gonna need a montage” song going through my head when they happen.

The thought of sitting through Thor 2 ten times made me throw up in my mouth a little. It wasn’t terrible, but lordy it wasn’t good. Thor 3 saved that franchises ass.