The Bourne Valedictorian

THAT should be everyone’s number one complaint about Dr Strange (which I personally enjoyed very much). Mads deserved better.

OMG I like that ending so much better. If they could have worked out Pa Kent to where he’s, you know, Pa Kent, then added that ending that would have been a decent (but still too overly-long) movie.

Whoa whoa whoa—nobody said anything about Catwoman. That movie is in it’s own category of bad.

Count me in that group as well. It’s probably the least realistic (you know, of the trilogy) and has the worst plot, but it’s a well-made movie, and everyone in it gave it their all—especially Tom Hardy.

Now that’s a film series I could get into! Killer Sentient Tornados!?!? SIGN ME UP!

What that movie did to Jonathan Kent was unforgivable to me, particularly when compared to what a good man he was in the comics. I understand what they were going for, but when you make it that if Kal-el had listened to him there would be NO Superman, then it really takes away from any good points he might have.

Miles Teller.

Cool since I’m already doing at least two ofthose things, and pay underlings to do the rest.

Now I know where J.K. Rowling got her inspiration!

Yeah my brain has been trying to reconcile the fact that they have technology that’s never even hinted at in later series. They have to account for that, so in a way it’s almost like we know the endpoint of the series; this seems to make the primary storyline “well, what happened to it then?”

Somehow someone stole his log in? He doesn’t seem like the real technical type—his password is probably “password”

That’s sure what it looked like from his flashback things, but how in the world could they make him so normal looking with no scars whatsoever? It just flies in the face of so much logic I would have a very difficult time swallowing that. Some sort of Vulcan “search for Spock” brain-sharing thingie would (somehow)

I agree they left the ending TOO vague to make it mean much...for a minute I thought they were still at the wreckage of the Klingon ship they had just destroyed. I was like “well sure it’s Klingon wreckage ya weirdo” then realized it must not be the same wreckage or they probably wouldn’t be so confused about it...

Okay I’m calling bullshit—he had NO chin!

Thank you for pointing out all the weird endings from this season! I love the show, but I think every single episode this season has ended with me thinking “ I guess that episode’s over.” I feel like it’s been largely “hit” except for that.

I wouldn’t mind them speaking Klingon, if they didn’t all speak it like they just learned it. I have a very hard time believing a war-like people would speak so slowly and deliberately.

Those shots through the glass with the assistant with her headphones on just fucking destroyed me. I was laughing so hard I had to pause, then rewound it so I could watch again. Then how ridiculous they both looked at the end of it had my rolling again.

The play was maybe the best part of the film. Surprise Matt Damon is best Matt Damon.

It’s one-sided because Disney chose not to respond other than a token “up yours the deals are fine.”

So instead of us replacing Putin with someone we favor, they managed to pull it on us and got a President/lap-dog that they favor??? Damn those Russians really ARE sneaky!