The Bourne Valedictorian

How is it being all “woke” like you apparently are? Am I saying that right? “Woke”? Or is it “edge-lord?” Or both maybe?

I’m waiting for the day a company goes the Calvin and Hobbes route and just names a cereal “Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs!”....which is pretty much what Krave is, and I feel sure the makers of that were thinking of C & H when they made it, but still.

I stared at that for length of time that bordered on “disturbing.”

Wait ‘til you try my new app “anonymous jackasster”

Yeah, but I’ve forgotten his name already since scrolling down to read the comments and I just read it like, three minutes ago.

Really the most fun was seeing what star/athlete would tweet out some disastrous bullshit, then claim he was hacked. That was fun right up until it was the President. Then it got kind of scary.

I would argue that the President writing crazy shit in any format qualifies as news. And a warning, probably, but news at the very least. The way he keeps vaguely threatening us all with nuclear war is particularly entertaining.

Armchair quarterbacks are always the best quarterbacks.

“Sweet dogs” sounds WAY more fun!

GRASS! ....tastes bad!

So...assholes and shitposters then? Got it.

As ashamed as I am to admit it, I once watched a season of “Big Brother.” I don’t remember why, other than it must have been a really horrible time for TV. Anyway, everyone on it was really terrible, but there was one REALLY terrible person on there (Dan maybe?) who looked like Keith Richards but was probably 10 times

Wait wait wait—how can you ask where the terrible people are then disqualify one of the prime gathering spots of terrible people? That’s like saying “twitter doesn’t count”—-if twitter does count then that’s my final answer. The terrible Rick and Morty fans are on twitter.

It’s not called “the justice system” to highlight rehabilitation. It’s punishment for a crime. Sure, he’s sorry, but he’s never really faced punishment other than his self-imposed exile. That’s why the wishes of the victim don’t really come into play either. It’s all well and good that she’s forgiven him, but that’s

To be fair I do that—you know, until I find out the artist raped somebody (or maybe two somebodies now, but it’s not like that matters). Hard to really separate that. I’m thinking more the “Tom Cruise thinks some crazy shit, but he’s a pretty good entertainer” type of separation.

My very first line was “although the day may never come when they snap...” I’m just pointing out that even this own guy’s brother never thought he’d kill anyone.

That’s an amazing idea.

It’s not “my” narrative as you so glibly put it—it’s the news. This very article as a matter of fact.

I believe I could watch an entire show about Janet dying and never get tired of it, as weird as that is to say. She’s quickly become my favorite character in a show full of great characters.

Yeah—I took it to be the usual “you must trade something” detail that always has to happen in these sorts of stories.