The Bourne Valedictorian


I completely agree—particularly with the feeling King was going for on moving between the two timelines....mainly, remembering our childhoods, and what it’s actually like to be a child. The way completely different things seem completely normal to be frightened of (like that dark basement, or open closet door). I

Tell me more of this...fuck box.

Geez could Brokaw BE any classier? To apologize for shit he didn’t stir up seems to be going above and beyond...

“Yet” Although the day may never come when they snap, if it does it will definitely be a much worse day due to them owning assault rifles, as the latest guy to “just snap” has proven so well...

“Why do you even want this job?” —Forte’s debate sketches were some of the best the show’s ever done.

I don’t know—Baby Driver was pretty fun.

Now you sound just like MY ex-wife!

Eh, I think you have to look at it from the point of view of these characters—her never having met a man (so this is essentially her puberty) and him never really having time for a woman, and certainly never having met a woman like this before. It’s like high school love, not real love.

Wasn’t Sarah Conner a borderline psychopath by the end of the Terminator series? I mean, sure, determined to stop the future and all that, but her kid had to stop her from straight-up murdering people. Is that Cameron’s real message here? Strong women will straight-up murder you if they even think you’ll get in their

Your complaint seems a little misguided with this one— it’s more clever than asking people to donate, and therefore will engage more people since people will want to follow the hashtag and see other embarrassing pictures.

Scrolling down I recognized her immediately. She’s always looked the same apparently.

Hey! It’s ‘100 floors of frights!’....they won’t all be winners!

I don’t count Shawshank on that list mostly because it’s a short-story, but it’s definitely one of his all time great stories. I thought all of the Bachman books had terrific endings personally (especially The Running Man, though Thinner was nice and dark too). I confess I barely remember Eyes of the Dragon.

The Dead Zone, Carrie, Firestarter, The Shining....those were all fantastic endings. Pet Sematary may be his greatest ending ever. I’d also give some love to the Dark Half. There have been plenty of bad ones, but I do think there are more good endings than bad....the bad ones tend to really stand out as they seem to

Harry Potter comes to mind.

I don’t know that I’d go that far, but the treatment of the bullies was the biggest flaw of the adaptation to me. They were such generic meatheads and so completely over-the-top evil for seemingly no reason that it was almost comical. In the book Henry is practically as scary as Pennywise...Patrick is even

I think he fired that editor after the first version of The Stand, since the second was WAY longer, and notably only The Kid was the part that probably should have been left in...

He means the population where he lives—not Earth, since Indian and Chinese people would be represented even more so than they already are on this show, but his neighborhood, which I feel sure is mostly white, except with one or two of the “good” black people. Just a guess.

I thought that was straight-up anger revenge killing since dude just killed her captain.